Christ Our Wisdom
We know from this verse 6 in Genesis 3 that the three reasons that satan presented to Eve for eating the tree were all reasons that appeal to the worldly, fleshly, sensual realm where satan is the god. We see these three reasons listed again in 1 John 2:16 in the same order they were listed in Genesis: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life. Eve saw the tree as good for food (lust of the flesh), as pleasant to the eyes (lust of the eyes) and as something desired to make her wise (pride of life).
We all know that food is necessary to live, but in this case they had plenty of other things to eat. We know that God is not opposed to us looking at things that are beautiful and pure for our eyes to behold, but in this case she was looking at the fruit with a desire contrary to what God had told Adam. We know that there is nothing wrong with wisdom, but in this case she was attempting to assume a position of wisdom above God, exactly what satan did, and it cost him just as it cost mankind. Pride will cost a person every time. It is the opposite of Godly wisdom.
There is earthly wisdom and there is Godly wisdom. We see that spelled out in James 3:13-18. Wisdom of this earth is sensual, devilish, bitter with envy and strife. Wisdom that is from above is pure, peaceable , gentle and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.
Actually I have seen that God’s Wisdom, which is the ultimate best for us, is the result of conforming to God’s will in our thoughts, in our actions, in our daily living. This Wisdom comes from an understanding of His Word, for His Word is His will. When we attempt to do it ourselves, based on the earthly wisdom that we have acquired through education and study in the world, we could be wrong. We could be right, but then on the other hand, we could be wrong. We can take all the knowledge we have acquired and apply it to a situation in a practical and reasonable manner, based on all the prognosticators, and be wrong. BUT, when we follow the Lord and ask His advice and follow His counsel, it is remarkable how our life runs in such a peaceful, easy vein.
There is nothing wrong with education. I have a college education myself. In fact, I have a Master’s Degree in education, but that will not help me make decisions where my daily life is concerned when either way could be correct. Even if I investigate all of the pros and cons and make my educated decision based on the side that has the most pros, I could be wrong. Why is this? It is because God knows the future. He knows what will be happening. In fact, we are told in John that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth Who is sent to guide us into all Truth and to tell us things to come. He is there to guide us with His Wisdom. God is the ultimate authority for our lives. He is the ultimate and the highest Wisdom.
I love this passage in James. Let’s look at it again in chapter 3, verse 17 with the description of God’s Wisdom. Here are our markers to tell us whether we are operating in Godly Wisdom or our own earthly wisdom. God’s Wisdom is peaceful, gentle, pure, fruitful, full of compassion, impartial, willing to listen to others, and without hypocrisy. That’s quite a list for us to use as our guideline.
As we know, the book of Proverbs is full of information concerning God’s Wisdom. We are told to receive His Wisdom. And then we see the rewards of Godly Wisdom: Long life, protection and security without fear or dread of evil, preservation and deliverance from those who would deceive us, whether male or female, peace, prosperity. We are instructed to get Wisdom and allow Wisdom to direct our lives.
When Jesus Christ is at the center of our lives, Wisdom is at the center of our lives. He will direct us and make straight our paths. What a wonderful assurance we have when we continually look to Him for our direction and allow Him to determine our decisions.
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