Stop Wishing And Start Enjoying
What I have noticed is this: People who are grateful live the good life. They have plenty of everything and seem to enjoy everyday life in its entirety. And even if they don’t have everything, they are happy with what they have and contented with where they are. But I can guarantee you that they will have everything if they continue with that kind of attitude.
Now don’t get me wrong. Contentment doesn’t mean that we don’t have goals and dreams. It means that we are not constantly worried and striving and stressed out as we attempt to climb this huge mountain in front of us that represents our future. God has our future in the palm of His hand, and He is capable of moving us into each season of our lives effortlessly. Where we mess up is when we attempt to achieve our goals on our own with our own capabilities.
I don’t know about you, but I have noticed that the things God asks me to do are those things that I cannot do on my own. Without Him I cannot achieve them. I know that He designed the system that way. It is called dependence on the Lord. He loves to do things for His children. It is Who He is. God is love. And because of His love He cannot contain Himself. He must, absolutely must, spill over on to us. He cannot help Himself. Love must give. Love has to have someone to give to. Love must give.
Look at Ephesians 2:4,5 in the Amplified Bible. This is such a beautiful scripture.
But God ---- so rich is He in His mercy! Because of and in order to satisfy the great and wonderful and intense love with which He loved us, even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His favor and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation).
These two verses are so full. Look at them carefully.
God’s love is so rich, so full, so complete. He has to satisfy this love by giving. This love is so intense and so great and so wonderful. Even when we are sinners sinning, He has already made the provision for us to live free from sin; He has given us the life of His Son, Jesus, the life of His Kingdom. That life called zoe provides all we need to live victoriously here on this earth while we are on assignment.
God made us alive with Jesus when He raised Him from the dead. It was at that point that He saw us raised from the deadness of our sins into the life of His anointing, His Presence, His Spirit. The same life that the Father used to bring Jesus from the dead is the life He uses to bring us from the deadness of sin and all of its consequences. We are already delivered from satan’s realm and from the judgment that was reserved for us as sinners. We are now partakers of Christ’s salvation, His deliverance, His prosperity, His health and healing, His life.
God has already done it all. What we must do is believe that the “done it all” is for us personally. We must receive it by the words of our mouth and our attitude and our action. All we have to do is believe we can receive it. That takes a step of what we call faith, believing it has been done for us when we don’t see anything that would indicate that in our lives.
Jesus poured out all He was (righteous, healthy, prosperous) and by choice took in all we were (sin, sickness, poverty, depression, anger, doubt, bitterness, etc). Isn’t that something! Jesus, by choice, took every bit of junk that was in us and made available for us every bit of righteousness that was in Him. What a choice He made. Now, we by choice, receive all that He is, just as He by choice received all that we were.
Our sin and sickness is history as far as God is concerned. It has already been taken care of. It is finished. God sees you and me as sinless, full of His health and life, abundantly supplied in every area of our lives. What we must do is take on His vision. I have said this before, and it bears repeating again, that we need to put on God’s glasses to see as He does. And how do we do that? We do it by surrounding ourselves, enveloping ourselves in His Word, which tells us all that we have. Day and night we must focus our vision on His Word. Therein lies our consistent, continuous victory.
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