We all know that favor is having preference in situations, getting a parking space close to the store when you are tired, a line opening up in a store as you come to the registers, excellent seats on airlines and in theaters. These are just worldly expressions of God’s favor over us. There is favor in the spirit. It is the wonderful access each of us has, if we take advantage of it, to sit in the front row with the Father. It is the preferential treatment of being God’s favorite child (we all are). Favor is expressed in so many ways. Those who seem to “get all the breaks” are people who love the Lord intensely and thoroughly enjoy being with Him. And He favors them with opportunities and advantages in life. It is just a part of being with Him and sticking close to Him. Favor is a direct result of a joyful attitude, a loving attitude, regardless of what seems to be going in the wrong direction. When people know their God and how much He loves them, favor is there. It is just part of the relationship with Him. The wonderfully good news is that each one of His children can experience favor in their lives. It is there for them to enjoy.
Look at these wonderful scriptures on favor. I am going to personalize them for us.
Psalm 145:16
You open Your hand and satisfy me with favor.
Proverbs 16:15
…His favor is as a cloud bringing spring rain.
Psalm 5:12
The Lord surrounds the righteous with favor as with a shield.
I am righteous; therefore I am surrounded with favor. It is all around me.
Proverbs 3:4,5,6
I find favor, good understanding and high esteem in the sight of God and man.
I lean on, trust in and am confident in the Lord with all my heart and mind and do not rely on my own insight or understanding.
In all my ways I know, recognize and acknowledge Him and He will direct and make straight and plain my paths.
2 Corinthians 9:8 Amplified Bible
God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to me in abundance, so that I may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient (possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation].
John 1:16 Amplified Bible and John 10:10 Amplified Bible
Jesus came that I may have and enjoy life in abundance, to the full until it overflows.
For out of His fullness (abundance) I have received one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift heaped upon gift.
From these scriptures, let’s make a daily confession. You may not feel a bit like you are favored. That doesn’t make any difference. Feelings and circumstantial evidence are not indicators of God’s Word working in our lives. If we are waiting for some earthly evidence of God’s Word, then we are looking to flesh to confirm or not confirm His Word. His Word stands true just as it is, whether you and I believe it or whether it “looks like” it is working in our lives. Some of the greatest success stories with God’s Word come from people who went under for the third time and when they came up, they were shouting unto the Lord in victory. Never give up on God’s Word working in your life. It always does. Sometimes we just don’t see it right away. It takes tenacity and persistence.
Jesus came for the sole purpose of giving me life to enjoy to the max. He has given me of the fullness of His Blessing in my life. I receive the fullness of His Blessing, His favor in my life. Thank you, Lord, that you come to me with abundance to supply all my needs and the needs of others. I am so happy that I find favor in your sight, God and in the sight of man. I am trusting You, Lord, for that favor to become a reality in my life, even as I speak it. Thank You, Lord, for surrounding me with favor and satisfying me with Your favor all the days of my life. I am so blessed. And I want to thank You, Lord, for blessing me.
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