Heavenly Authority For Earthly Dominion
The serpent moves upon the earth and when Adam and Eve did not take dominion over that serpent, whom satan was using as a body to inhabit, that dominion that God had given to man became satan’s. Man lost his authority. From that point on until Jesus came, when God blessed men in the Old Testament, the Word says that He told them to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth. We do not see the reference to subdue or have dominion, authority until Jesus came.
While Jesus was here on the earth, He told His disciples in Luke 10:19 that He gave them power or authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing should by any means hurt them. We are just as much the Lord’s people as those disciples are. God has no favorites; with Him there is no dividing line; He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
That word there for power is exousia which means: Having the right, authority, capability to exercise might, ability, power, strength; permission, authority, right, liberty, power to do anything, freedom. That’s enough for me right there.
Then look what Jesus did when He left the earth. In Luke 24:50 and 51 He blessed the disciples. While He was blessing them, He departed. We know that He said only what His Father told Him to say. I truly believe that He spoke over them the same blessing that the Father had spoken to Adam, in its fullness, all five parts. If we look at the last chapters of Matthew and Mark in the last verses, we hear Him saying that all authority has been given unto Him. Go ye therefore into all the earth and preach the gospel, cast out demons, heal the sick, etc. in His name. When someone gives you their name to use, they are giving you their authority that is behind that name.
Once again, we have the authority from God to do what He has called us to do. What we have to do is learn what is in that authority and learn how to use that authority which we have been given.
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