God's Word Is A Fact
An agenda of wants is not necessary.
He already has given you all things that pertain to life and godliness, all you will ever need.
God’s Word is a fact to me as a New Covenant Christian, living in the New Testament times. His Word was a promise to the Old Testament men and women of God. But today His Word is a fact, established for us. It is ours; Jesus has already paid the price for the total presentation of His Word to us as established in His blood forever. His Word is a fact. A fact is something that is there. It is a fact. Some examples of facts are these (and actually they are subject to change since they are earthly and therefore temporal): There is a sun and a moon and they shine at various times. There is gravity on the earth. The sky is blue. The grass is green. Birds sing. And we could go on with the list, but as we already see, each of these earthly facts can have variations of the fact which is established.
God’s Word is a fact that is established for all eternity. Once He says it, it is established forever. He has said that with the stripes that wounded Jesus we have been healed and made whole. That is a fact established in the Word of God. He has said in His Word that He is our strength. He has said in His Word that He desires for us to prosper and be in health. He has said in His Word that we are redeemed, saved. These are all facts, established forever. A fact is something we can depend on to be true for us.
What is left for us to do? We are to love Him, spend time with Him, enjoy His presence. Oh, how He longs for that fellowship and love. I am learning that as I spend time with Him, all the facts of His Word will come to pass in my life. In His Presence is the fulfillment of His Word. We all need to spend less time asking and more time basking (in His Presence).
The Lord God has already given us everything we need. We must believe this and allow Him to work things out for us. I know times can be rough and seemingly endless as we wait upon Him, but He will take care of us. There is a song that says: God will take care of you. He will take care of you. Through every day, o’er all the way, He will take care of you. God will take care of you.
Let’s focus more on the fact of His supply and less on the worry of our need.
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