The Wellness Road, The Prosperity Road, Part 2
Succeed, grow or increase, thrive, to make gain
Advance in growth, wealth or any good
Advance or gain in anything good or desirable
Attainment of object desired
So, to PROSPER means going forward, advancing, succeeding in the gain, increase, growth of anything good or desirable----attaining that good, attaining that which is desired.
In Psalm 37:4 we are told to delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our hearts. In other words, as we delight in the Lord, He places His desires for us in us and then He fulfills those desires for us. Isn’t He good to us! He places His righteous desires in us as His temples and then He fulfills those desires. I don’t know about you, but I think that is pretty awesome. All I have to do is delight myself in Him. He does the rest.
A friend of mine gave me a scripture that goes right along with Psalm 37:4. It is Proverbs 10:24: The desire of the righteous shall be granted.
In Isaiah 58:13,14 in the New Living Translation we see how the Lord will be our delight. We are to honor Him in everything we do and not follow our own desires and talk idly. If we do this, the Lord will be our delight.
Now let’s look at the definition of Health.
State of living body in which parts are sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they all perform freely their natural function
Being in a sound state, as a living or organized being; having the parts or organs entire and their functions in a free, active and undisturbed operation; free from disease.
Isaiah 53:4,5 Jesus bore sickness and disease so our bodies could be free from sickness and disease.
State of being well
State in which the parts of a living body are sound and regularly performing their functions
Entire, unbroken, not defective, undecayed, whole, perfect, healthy and not diseased, having all organs complete and in perfect action.
So, HEALTH is that state of being well in which all the organs of our bodies are sound, whole, free from disease and operating freely their natural functions.
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