The Righteous
I as the uncompromisingly righteous shall flourish like the palm tree, be long-lived, stately, upright, useful and fruitful.
I shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon, majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible.
Planted in the house of the Lord, I shall flourish in the courts of my God.
Growing in grace, I shall still bring forth fruit in old age.
I shall be full of sap, of spiritual vitality.
I shall be rich in the verdure, the vigorous, flourishing, growing condition of trust, love and contentment.
I am a living memorial to show that the Lord is upright and faithful to His promises.
He is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.
Don’t you love these verses? I grow to love them more and more as I grow older. What scriptures to speak over ourselves. Look at the wealth of Word power for us as God’s children in these verses.
We will flourish. We will live long. We will be stately (have a presence of dignity and honor). We will be useful. We will bear fruit all our lives.
We will be majestic, because His Majesty lives in us.
We endure long, not in the bad sense, but in the sense of stability.
We are incorruptible because we are born of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God as born again believers.
We are planted in God’s house. We absolutely flourish in His courts.
We grow in grace, God’s ability in us.
We bring forth fruit in our old age, even unto the end.
We are growing in trust every day and vigorously flourishing in trust.
We are growing in love every day and vigorously flourishing in love.
We are growing in contentment every day and vigorously flourishing in contentment.
We are living (not dead) examples of God’s faithfulness to His promises in His Word to us.
He is our Rock of stability. We lean on His righteousness since there is no unrighteousness in Him.
Wow! I love these scriptures. Don’t you enjoy God’s Word!
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