Negative = Decrease
I believe all of us need to take a new look at our lives and check to see the areas in which we have developed negative thinking. Perhaps that answers the question: Why is nothing good happening in my life? Why am I sick all the time? Why don’t we have enough money? What is wrong with my marriage? Why are my children going the wrong way? I believe the question we should be asking ourselves is this: How am I thinking in this situation? Am I seeing only the bad, the negative things that are happening to me? Am I centered on me? Am I focused on poor me?
What a wake-up call this is to me and you. When negative things happen in our lives, we are to focus on God’s goodness. His Word tells us that He is a God of abundance. Abundance means overflow, always abounding. God turns negative situations around when we get in line with Him. We must be in alignment with God’s laws of goodness. His laws are all based on one law----the law of love.
What does it mean to love? Love sees the best in every situation. Love thinks the best of everyone. God deliberately set it up this way. His Kingdom is a kingdom of abundance, of increase, of The Blessing in operation. As soon as we start thinking the world’s way----negatively----we have connected ourselves to the world’s outcome, which is decrease. When we think God’s way, we have connected ourselves to God’s outcome, which is increase. God’s outcome is a good life. He supplies our needs. He heals all our diseases. He turns our marriages around. He brings our children into right relationship with Him. He causes the joy that is within us to come forth again.
It makes so much sense now that I look at the whole negative mentality. When we are focused on the negative things that are happening to us, we project the worst things happening, things going wrong. This kind of thinking causes us to ponder decrease. We may not be thinking “decrease,” but we are thinking the kinds of thoughts that produce decrease in our lives rather than increase. Here are the kinds of thoughts we are thinking: What if I lose my job? What if I can’t pay my bills? What if my marriage ends in divorce? What if my children never come back? What if I get sick and die? What if? What if? What if? The “what if’s” will get you every time.
Let’s stop flowing with the negative stream and say these things. What if I get a promotion? What if I pay my bills and have more than enough money left for offerings and savings? What if my husband/wife and I are so in love with one another that we enjoy being with each other all the time? What if my children are “on fire” for Jesus? What if I am so healthy I don’t have to take medicine or be going to the doctor all the time? How about these “what if’s”?
The real question we must ask ourselves today is this: Who am I connecting to in my life----God and His Kingdom of increase or the god of this world and his kingdom of decrease?
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