New Creature
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Therefore, I am in Christ. I am in the Anointed One, and I am carrying His anointing. He gave it to me. He has made me a new creature. I am a new creation. I am literally a new person. I am a new species of being. There is now another species on this earth----Christian----and I am that new species. I am a Christian. I am a new creature. I am new. The old things have passed away. They are gone. ALL things are become new in my life. I am a new being. I am a God being, with His attributes and qualities. I am in Him. I am no longer my own. My old self is gone. He and I are one. We are one now. I am united with Him. He is in me. I am in Him. We are one. We’ve been melded together. All people see is a Christian. I am yielding to Him so that people will see Jesus Christ and not me.
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