In Matthew 25:14-30, The Parable of the Talents, Jesus talks about a faithful person.
In a number of scripture passages, God is spoken of as a faithful God.
What is faithful? What does it mean? How does God look at faithfulness?
A faithful person is one who is true to his word and follows through on what he says. He consistently does what is right. He can depended upon to get the job done when he is assigned a task. You can depend on that person when you need something accomplished. You can walk away and know that when you come back tomorrow or whenever the deadline is, the work will be completed with excellence and without complaint.
In today’s world faithfulness is a trait that not everybody sees as important. The thinking goes like this: “Oh, well, if I can’t get it done, I can’t get it done. What’s the big deal! I have so many other things to do. They will understand.”
Apparently God thinks it is a big deal. In the Parable of the Talents, Jesus commended the person who did something with what he had been given. In Proverbs we read that a faithful man shall abound (that means overflow) with blessings. I want to be blessed so I ask God to keep me faithful every day to Him and to others.
If you have challenges in being faithful, ask the Holy Spirit to help you to become that person who can be depended upon. He will help you. He always helps us to do whatever we need to do. Ask Him. Ask for God’s grace or ability to become a faithful person.
God’s faithfulness will make you faithful. Look at 1 Thessalonians 5:24.
Faithful is He Who is calling you to Himself and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it, fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you.
Look at that. God is faithful to you. You can trust Him. He will fulfill His call on your life. I know He will help you to be faithful. You can depend on Him.
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