Holy Spirit
In 1 Corinthians 6:19,20 Paul tells us that our bodies as Christians are the temples of the Holy Spirit. He lives in us as a Gift we have received from God. We are not on our own. He is there for us in all that we do 24-7. He is ever present in us to help us. We are bought with a price----the precious blood of Jesus. We are paid for and made His own. So then, we honor God and we bring glory to Him in our bodies.
Also, in 2 Corinthians 6:16 Paul once again reminds us that we are the temples of the living God, of the Holy Spirit. God has said that He will dwell in us and walk in us and that He will be our God and we shall be His people.
Temples----we are the abiding place of God. He lives in our bodies. Our bodies are the place where He chooses to live now, not the man-made buildings. We are God's building, and our bodies are where He has chosen to dwell, as we allow Him. That is why satan hates it when we dance before the Lord, raise our hands in praise to Him, adore Him with our voices joining in choruses of worship and joy. Our whole bodies are indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God. He is the same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead, and He is dwelling in our mortal bodies, giving life to our bodies (Romans 8:11). Oh, my dear reader, disease, doubt, unbelief, fear has no place in this indwelt temple of the living God. Let us be in constant awareness of Who lives in us.
Living here on this earth, even in the middle of the Babylonian world system, even surrounded by trouble of all kinds, can be easy and should be a place of rest as we allow the Holy Spirit of God to empower us at all times to live a victorious life. Unfortunately, what we all have tended to do is attempt to solve our problems on our own, out of panic and fear that if we don’t do something immediately, everything will come unraveled and fall apart. That is exactly the devil’s tactics. Hurry up and do something. When you find yourself in that mode, STOP, STAND STILL and say: Holy Spirit, give me the voice and the words to pray in the spirit until I KNOW what to do through you.
In John 14:16,26,27 Jesus said that He would ask the Father and He will give us another Comforter (One of the same kind as Jesus; in other words, God in the person of the Holy Spirit) that He may remain with us forever. He is the Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive. But we know Him. We recognize Him. We hear His voice. He lives in us constantly. He is with us.
The Holy Spirit is sent by God the Father in the name of Jesus, in Jesus’ place, to represent Jesus, and to act on His behalf. He will teach us all things. He will bring all things to our remembrance. What I find interesting is that in the very next verse Jesus said that He was leaving His Peace with us. The Holy Spirit is our Peace. He is our Shalom. He is our Wholeness. He is our Health. He is our Prosperity. He is our Salvation. He is God Eternal! Jesus says that because of the Peace, the Holy Spirit, Whom God is giving to us, we do not have to let our hearts be troubled or be afraid. We are not to allow ourselves to be agitated or disturbed. We are not to permit ourselves to be fearful or intimidated or cowardly or unsettled. What a wonderful assurance in the days in which we all find ourselves living. Let the Holy Spirit be our everything, the solution to all that faces us.
Tomorrow we will talk about the many roles of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
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