Precious Freedom
As a person who loves peace, I hate war. It destroys. But war is a consequence of man’s sin-driven desires for power and prestige. Today we see this drive for power in governments all over the world, in businesses everywhere, in families and yes, even in the church.
The greatest power in the universe is God Who is Love. If mankind could only see, have the veil removed from their eyes, they would see that anything that they strive for will ultimately be removed and replaced with another greater and bigger earthly “thing.” What a waste our striving is! When we lean on Him and allow His Love power to take over, He brings each of us to a place of peace and victory and prosperity, the very things that we are aiming for in our personal lives when we are attempting to do it in our own human ability.
Jesus declared in John 8:31 and 32 that if we continue in God’s Word, then we are His disciples and we shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free. That is true freedom, the freedom of God that comes from knowing the truth of His Word in our lives. He also said that he whom the Son sets free is free indeed. We are forever free in Jesus, regardless of where we are or what our circumstances are. Remember that you are free in Jesus Christ. Declare that freedom and value it as more precious than all that earth can offer you!
Today, let us take inventory of our freedom both in Jesus Christ and in this country.
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