Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Establish, Part 2

We are still studying the word of God concerning being established. Let’s look at one more scripture about the established heart.

Psalm 112: 7,8
…My heart is established, firmly fixed, trusting, leaning on and being confident in God. My heart is established and steady.

What is an established heart?
According to our definition of the word “established,” the established heart (spirit) is one which is fixed on the truth of God and Who He is. It is the heart that knows that God will take care of His children. Nothing alters what we believe about God and His Word. It is a permanent, settled subject as far as we are concerned. What is wavering, doubtful or weak has been settled. How do we get that way? How do we stand unflinching in the face of contradictory circumstances and problems that linger, in spite of prayer, in spite of confessing the word, in spite of all that we do? We stand in a stable place when we determine that God and His Word are true in our lives, regardless of what is happening to us or what is being taken care of. It is our determined purpose to believe that His grace has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness. He alone is our rock and unchanging God. It is a decision. Then it is the attitude of sticking to that decision when it is challenged time after time after time.

You and I are established in many things in the earthly realm. Simple things are established, such as the belief that the sun is going to come up tomorrow and go down today. The sky is up over us. It will rain or snow at some point. We get hungry and thirsty. We breathe oxygen. Our car will start when we turn the ignition. The chair will hold us when we sit on it. The door will open when we put the key in it. These are established facts in our lives. They are something we are sure of.

But what about the established facts that are conditional? We still have them established in our minds. We will have food to eat when we are hungry. We will have water to drink when we are thirsty. We will get up in the morning and have a good day. We will go to work and come home. We will have a paycheck when we work. These are all conditional facts, but we still expect things to work as we believe.

In God’s realm, we must establish ourselves on His grace and His goodness much more so than the earthly facts that we have already established in our minds. It is a practiced belief. We must see God as the One Who takes care of all things for us. That is the definition of an established heart.