The Book of Hebrews
We can rest in faith in what Jesus had done for us. He is the Word of God and He speaks and the Word is full of His Life and full of His power. The Word of God is effective and penetrates to the deepest parts of our soul and spirit, judging our very thoughts and intents of heart.
We can come boldly to God’s throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. We have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.
We are to hold fast to our confession of faith because Jesus is our High Priest Who has passed into the heavenlies. We are not to cast away our confidence which has great recompense of reward—great returns—pay day comes to those who stand fast, hold fast to their confessions of faith. We have need of patience (staying consistently on God’s Word, regardless of circumstances) that after we have done the will (Word) of God we might receive the promise.
We live by faith and do not draw back into unbelief, destruction, with an evil heart of unbelief. God takes no pleasure in those who draw back because of fear into the place of unbelief. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him. Why is He displeased? Because He knows that those who walk by faith will have all that He has for them. It actually hurts Him to see His children in lack and doing without what He has provided for them when He has such an abundance for His kids.
We have in heaven a better and an enduring substance. Then we see that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is that heavenly, enduring, better substance. Faith is visible in the spirit realm. It is substance. Just as God is love and doesn’t have love but is love, so also, faith is substance and doesn’t have substance but is substance.
We have the wonderful faith chapter in Hebrews 11. We see all the ones who lived by faith. By faith the elders received a good report. Isaiah 53:1 says: Who has believed our report? In other words, whose report do you believe—God’s or the world’s?
Through faith the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things that are seen are not made of things which do appear, which are visible. This correlates with Romans 4, which says that God calls those things that be not as though they were and they become. Hold on to your seat belts—you are just like your Heavenly Father. You can call those things that be not as though they were and they become. BY FAITH, BY FAITH, BY FAITH, BY FAITH--------------.
Speak it: I am a person of faith. I am just like my Heavenly Father. I call those things that be not as though they were and they become. I live in the Word of God; I live in the Presence of God, and out of His Presence comes the understanding of faith, of faith substance in Heaven, which becomes reality in the earth realm where I live. I live by faith. I walk by faith. I talk by faith. I am a person of faith. The Word of God is my witness of faith. I hear the Word and I hear the Word and I hear the Word and I hear the Word until it becomes more real to me than anything else around me. I speak the Word. I speak the Word. I speak the Word until it becomes revelation, understanding in my spirit and renews my mind. Then I speak to the mountain in my life and it is removed and cast into the sea. I believe in my heart and say with my mouth----I have God’s kind of faith. I say to the mountain (big thing) in my life: Be removed and cast into the sea (gone forever). I don’t doubt in my heart. I believe that those things which I say shall come to pass. I shall have whatsoever I say. I have it now. I believe now. NOW FAITH IS-----------
And my God makes me perfect (nothing missing, nothing broken, complete) in every good work. He supplies what I need to get the job done. I do it and please Him in every way. My task is accomplished through Jesus Christ. All the glory goes to Him forever and ever. Amen.
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