The Blessing of the Father
On Monday God gave me such a revelation of Himself as our Father Who loves us so dearly. He showed me that He was waiting practically on the edge of His Throne until Jesus came and went to the cross and conquered satan and hell and ascended back to Heaven with His blood to apply on the Mercy Seat of Heaven.
You know why the Father was so excited. He had been waiting all those years to be able to lay His Hand of Blessing on each child as they were born into the household. In the Old Testament we have a type and shadow of what the Heavenly Father would be doing. As each child was born, they were blessed by the father of the home. That is exactly what our dear Heavenly Father does for each of us as we are born again.
The born again experience has been something that most people see as a ticket into heaven, which it is, but it is so much more. It is not about going to an altar and giving your life to the Lord, which it is. It is not about some evangelist getting many credited to his account, which he does. Here is what it really is about. It is about the Father and His family coming together again. It is about another child being born into the family. It is about God’s quiver being full to overflowing. It is about the Father getting the privilege of blessing another child and bestowing His blessing upon them.
Of course, His blessing involves imparting to the child, making available to the child all that the household has. And, my dear friends, that is all of Heaven’s resources. For starters, we have healing and health and the inflowing of His divine life, 24-7; we have prosperity (success, achieving God’s highest and best in every area of our lives); we have freedom from sin and its consequences; we have deliverance from all that satan would attempt to put on us; we have God’s very nature inside us. Now, I ask you, what more do you want to live an overcoming life in this world.
In the New Living Translation, Compact Edition, let me read to you what Psalm 139:1-5 says:
O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down and stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
You see me when I travel and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.
You go before me and follow me.
Do you hear what that last verse says? Let’s read it again. You place Your hand of blessing on my head. This is serious business. God Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and earth, the creator of the whole universe, places His hand of Blessing on our heads as His children. He blesses us. And we know what bless means. Listen to me, fathers, when you bless your children, you are conferring on them the whole fullness of success and well being for their lives. You are saying, in essence, I confer on you, I bestow on you the empowerment to prosper in every area of your life. I am empowering you to do what you need to do to achieve your divine destiny while you are here on this earth. You are saying that you confer on that child the ability to go to the highest level of excellence in his or her life. And from that moment on, you speak only words of good, words of blessing, words of encouragement, words of life over them. It has been a proven fact that children who are spoken to with positive words will be much more successful than those who are spoken to as if they are nothing and will never do anything.
And think of how the Heavenly Father has given us His very Word of Life, our Bible to tell us who we are and what we can do. Oh, my heart is so full this morning of gratitude to my dear Heavenly Father Who loves me. Meditate on this all day. What a life-changing revelation!
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