But there is a greater love than any human can ever express. We all know what that is—it’s the love of God, Agape Love. Our dear Heavenly Father loves us with a love that is beyond anything we can comprehend with our souls. However, we can comprehend it with our spirits. Our spirit man soars when we know the love of God which has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, when we know that the same love with which the Father loved Jesus He has placed in our hearts and loves us with that same love. What a God we serve! What love He has for us!
In Ephesians 3:14-21 in the King James Version and the Amplified Bible we have an awesome statement concerning us and God’s love. May we be rooted deeply in love. May we be grounded in love. May we be able to comprehend with all the saints the breadth, length, depth and height of God’s love. May we come to know the love of Christ; may we have an intimate relationship with the love of the Anointed One. And what is the reason for that? So that we may be filled with the fullness of God, the fullness of Love. Then we see in the very next verse that when we are filled with the fullness of Love, which actually is His power at work in us, He will be able to carry out His purpose for us and through us for others. He will do exceeding abundantly above all that we dare ask or think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams.
Do you see the unending possibilities in that previous statement? He will do exceeding abundantly above—above what? All that we dare ask or think. Can you ask it or think it? His provision is exceeding abundantly beyond that. That is more than the human mind can comprehend. Then in the Amplified Bible we see the fullness of what the infiniteness is. It is infinitely beyond our best and most extensive prayers------desires-----thoughts----hopes----dreams. Ponder that for a while. The Love of God, which is His power, the fullness of it is infinite—no limits—beyond what you and I can pray, beyond what you and I desire, beyond what you and I think, beyond what you and I hope, beyond what you and I dream. Is there anything left that is not covered? I think not. So, what is it this day that you are praying or desiring or thinking or hoping or dreaming? God will not only do beyond that. He will do exceeding abundantly beyond that. There is no limit to His ability. He is eternal, and there is no limit to the Eternal One. Consider that the rest of the day. You want to think about love. That is what God’s Love is all about.
So now, let’s declare our love to our Heavenly Father, to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit.
I love You, Lord, with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, all my strength. Dear Heavenly Father, I know that You love me and I love You. Dear Jesus, I know that You love me and I love You. You died for me. You took the punishment I deserved. Thank You. You took it all for me. Thank You. I love You. Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for dwelling in my mortal body and giving life to me every day, all the time. Thank You. I love You, Lord, with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, all my strength.
Lord, Your Love in me causes me to endure long and to be patient and kind. Your Love in me helps me not to be envious or jealous or boastful or vainglorious. Your Love in me does not display itself haughtily. Your Love in me causes me not to be conceited, arrogant or inflated with pride and makes me courteous instead of rude or unmannerly, makes me act becomingly. Your Love in me does not insist on its own rights or its own way, is not self-seeking, touchy, fretful or resentful. Because of Your Love in me, I take no account of the evil done to me; I pay no attention to a suffered wrong. Your love in me helps me to rejoice when right and truth prevail and not when injustice and unrighteousness prevail. Your love in me helps me to bear up under anything and everything that comes, in all circumstances of life, standing firm and not weakening, with hope that doesn’t waver or fade. Your Love in me makes me ever ready to believe the best of every person. Because Your Love is in me, I never fail. Your Love never becomes obsolete or comes to an end. Thank You for Your Love, Lord. It is the very breath of life I breathe daily.
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