The Word of God is Forever Settled
When something is settled in my mind and heart, that means it is established, taken care of, a done deal. That’s it---no more need to discuss it any further. And that is the way we should be concerning God’s Word in our lives. When we see it in the Book, that settles it; it is ours. We receive it. Actually that word “receive” in Mark 11 means to take, to seize. We take God’s Word; we seize God’s Word. His Word has been given to us. It is ours. He sent His Word to us and healed us and delivered us, released us, rescued us from destructions (Psalm 107:20). It is up to us to take it as ours.
And some of you are saying to me: But, there are giants in the land. As I used to say to my son when he was small, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Didn’t Father say that He would take care of the giants? Wherever there is a promised land, there are giants. They are the agents of antichrist, the demonic forces of satan, who are there to attempt to prevent us from entering. Notice that I use the word “attempt.” That is all they can do. If we cave in or cower or quit in the face of opposition, then we don’t have the Word of God settled in our minds and hearts.
When I see something in God’s Word and grasp it to myself as mine, no one can take it. It is mine forever. Well, how long will it take to see it manifest in the natural? As long as it takes for me to accept it as done in my life. It always starts on the inside, in our spirits and comes to the outside and affects the outside world, which must submit to the requirements of the Word of God.
God’s Word is the ultimate Word. His Word trumps all other word. The rage today in the world seems to be poker. I don’t know anything about it except trump. There are certain cards that trump others. Well, God’s Word trumps the bad report of the doctor, the bad report of your children not following the Lord, the bad report of your marriage going “down the tube,” the bad report of your financial debts. Whatever the bad report, God’s Word trumps it. His Word is the winning hand every time. There are no losses where His Word is concerned.
The losses where His Word is concerned involve our inability to believe we receive. What is the remedy for that? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17), and faith works by love (Gal. 5:6) and faith without works is dead (James 2:17). We must hear the Word of God every day with our physical ears tuned to those ministers who teach and preach the Word of God accurately. We must confess that Word of God for ourselves daily so that we are hearing the Word. Then our spiritual ears will tune in to that Word and revelation of that Word comes to us personally; in other words, the Word of God becomes the Truth for us, is revealed to us as true, and powerful for us personally. When that happens, we must act on the Truth that has been revealed to us.
Let’s take healing for example. Listen to accurate teaching and preaching on healing through MP3 downloads, CD’s, DVD’s, television, radio, internet. Confess the Word of God on healing. Keep on doing it consistently and faithfully. There will come a time when you say: Yes, I see that, and the Word of God on healing is more real to you than the symptoms that may be raging in your body. Nobody can convince you otherwise. You are healed. There may not be one little piece of evidence in your body that you are healed. But you know that you know that you know that Word is true for you. Revelation means that the Word of God has come alive in your heart and mind. It is a forever-settled Word for you personally. Then God has something to work with. He has the reality of the Word in your heart and mind to work with. And the healing in the physical body comes. It may be gradual or all of a sudden. You really don’t care because as far as you are concerned, it is already done. That is a forever-settled Word to you.
Oh, the Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. He tabernacled among us for a brief period of time in a body of flesh. Do you know He still tabernacles in a body of flesh—yours and mine! We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. He is dwelling in us---the same Holy Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead is quickening, giving life to our mortal bodies daily, 24-7.
What does the activation of the Word of God depend on in your life? It depends on your ability to accept it, to receive it as done in your life. Religion, tradition, doubt, unbelief, fear must be pushed out by the Word of God, Love Himself bringing the Truth to you. Religion and tradition is replaced by the Spirit of Truth. Doubt and unbelief is replaced by belief. Fear is replaced by faith as a result of love. Perfect love, Love Himself, God Himself, flushes out fear. What a wonderful gift we have been given---the Word of Almighty God written down on paper in a book called the Bible. It is God Himself speaking to us through its pages. He is eternal, forever.
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