I Have Moved
This is the image of a man without God. I used to live in the land of the curse, in the state of continual anxiety because I lived in the city of (fill in the blank yourself) sickness, disease, fear, lack, want, poverty, sin. My president, governor and mayor was satan. There was no light where I lived. I could not see. I wandered about in misery, full of doubt and unbelief. My eyes were blind. My ears were deaf.
This should be every Christian’s image. But praise God! Hallelujah! One day this man whose name was Jesus came to the land of the curse where I lived and told me that there was another land over which He was President, Governor, Mayor, and His land was called The Kingdom of God, in the state of The Blessing, in the city of (fill in the blank yourself) health, wealth, well-being, completeness, wholeness, abundance, prosperity, faith, righteousness. And I said to Him, “But, sir, how can I leave? I cannot see. I don’t know where to go.” And He said to me: “Follow Me.” At first I was afraid to follow Him because I didn’t know Him or know that He was telling me the Truth. But there was something about Him that told me He would take me out of there. So I followed Him. And now my address is:
Victorious 1,
7 Redemption Lane
Prosperity Row, #3
Kingdom of God Forever
And, my friend, that is exactly what happened to each one of us who accepted Jesus as our Savior. He paid a price with His precious blood to purchase us from the curse of the law and made The Blessing of God available to us (Gal. 3:13,14). The Holy Spirit is now here on this earth to open our spiritual eyes to see The Truth and when we know the Truth, it sets us free, makes us free.
What a glorious opportunity every human being on the face of this earth has to become a child of God. We have been translated out of the darkness of satan’s realm into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. Because of Jesus Christ, we have been delivered from the domain or authority of satan and transferred into God’s Kingdom where we have been given God’s authority over all principalities and powers and rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high, heavenly places. Our sins have been forgiven and we have become free men and women.
We are now free to worship the Lord. So let us do that very thing. Let us rejoice and be glad in Him. He is worthy to be praised and honored and revered and respected and worshipped. What are you waiting for? Praise Him. Worship Him. Extol Him. Exalt Him. Revere Him. Honor Him. We will spend all of eternity worshipping Him. Stop and do it right now. If you don’t have one earthly thing to praise Him for, that is OK. You are not a praiser because of what you have on this earth. Praise is not an earthly exercise. Praise is to the One Who purchased you and loves you and adores you. Praise is what you do because of Jesus and what He has done for you. Worship is what you do because you love Him and He loves you. It has nothing to do with what you have or don’t have on this earth. It is all about Him. When you become so deeply in love with Him that you finally see what He has done for you and why He did it, eternity will not be long enough to praise Him, worship Him and thank Him.
Become “unentangled” with this earth and its reasons for adoration or no adoration and become totally enveloped, immersed in the goodness of God, His grace and His mercy. He is to be worshipped. He is to praised. He is to be adored. Spend the rest of the day doing that, whether you feel like it or not, whether anything is going right or not, whether you think it will do any good or not. If you don’t have any feelings about it one way or another, do it because the Word tells you to do it and for no other reason. I guarantee you that by the time the day is over, you will be shouting it and knowing that He is in charge of your life.
Let me help you get started.
“Thank You, Father; thank You, Jesus; thank You, Holy Spirit for being with me. I praise You, Jesus, for what you have done for me. You have saved me, delivered me, set me free, healed me, prospered me. You love me, and I love You with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, all my strength. I know how dearly You love me. You’ve placed Your love in my heart. I love You, Lord. Thank You. I praise You because You are God. I worship You because You are God. You are my Lord. You are my God. You are my Savior. You are my everything.”
You may not feel a thing when you start and you may not believe a word of it is true or even looks like it is true in your life, but keep on doing it, doing it, doing it. You were born to do this. You were born again to be a worshipper. That is the fuel of your life. As you worship Him, you will release Him to take care of all areas of your life. Worship Him only because He loves you, not for what He is going to do for you. Worship Him in your native tongue and worship him in tongues. The end of your day will be much better than the beginning of your day.
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