God's Wonderful Word
I receive the Word of God.
I receive Jesus, the Living Word.
I receive the Word of God as the seed of life for me forever.
It is the incorruptible, indestructible, unchanging, eternal Word.
My heart is good soil, good ground for this Word of God seed.
I am being changed from glory to glory as I behold in the Word of God as in a mirror the glory of the Lord.
Victory and success is mine because of the power of God’s Word being planted in my heart. That Word comes to full maturity in me and is harvested.
Thank You, Lord, for Your Word.
I believe the Word of God.
This Word is forever.
This Word is true, regardless of my circumstances.
This Word is alive.
This Word is working in me and for me now.
This Word is the power of God in operation in my life.
Now, let’s look at God’s Word on his Word.
John 1:1 tells us that the Word is God. 1 John 4:7 tells us that God is Love. Put these two scriptures together and we see that God is the Word and God is Love. We are to read God’s Word through His eyes of Love. We are to hear God’s Word through His ears of Love. His Word is His Love gift to us to receive and use.
In Hebrews 11:3 we see that God’s Word framed the worlds. Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
In Hebrews 13:8 we see that Jesus Christ, Who is called the Word, is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
In Psalm 18:30 we see that God’s Word has been tried and tested, proven.
In Psalm 119:89 we see that God’s Word is settled forever.
In Matthew 24:35 we see that God’s words shall not pass away.
God’s Word framed the worlds. His Word is forever, unchangeable, proven, settled forever, and shall not pass away. Trust in His Word and watch your world change to conform to His ways of living.
The Lord reminds us in Psalm 105:8 and Psalm 89:34 that He remembers His covenant, His Word for ever. He will not break nor alter the Word which has gone out of His lips. God keeps His Word to us. He is not a man that He should lie.
In Hebrews 4:12 we read that God’s Word is alive, full of life, full of power.
In Joshua 1:8 we are reminded that the Word is not to depart out of our mouth. We are to think on it day and night. We are to do His Word. And then we shall be successful and prosperous.
And look at Jeremiah 1:12. God promises us that He will hasten His Word to perform it for us. He is just waiting for our confession of His Word so that He can do for us what He wants to do. He loves to take care of His children. And we love to speak His Word. We love His Word because His Word is Him.
God’s Word is wonderful. His Word is the container of all that He is. When we speak forth His Word, we are speaking forth God and His ability on our behalf. Stay in the Word. It is your very lifeblood. God’s Word will carry you through all of life and cause you to be victorious every time.
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