Adam, Where Are You?
Fear was not present before sin came into the world. Why is that? Fear is the nature of satan, who is the opposite of God. He is fear, death, uncertainty, sickness and disease, lack, want, poverty. Everything God is, satan is the opposite. God is love, goodness, mercy, faithfulness, compassion, health, abundance, prosperity, assurance, life, faith.
Today, as I was sitting at my computer, I was a little “down” because of the place where I am right now. Then my spirit man took over and I started thanking the Lord for all the things I could think of for which I had a heart of gratitude. Gratitude is a wonderful attribute that God has built into each one of us.
What I am saying to you today is that when oppressive thoughts and oppressive events attempt to hinder your relationship with God, exercise gratitude. Oppression leads to hiding from others and from God. And God has to call your name and say: Where are you? Are you in Me or are you in self? Are you feeling sorry for yourself or are you grateful that you know Me?
Where are you today? We all have those moments and even longer than moments when we “feel like” we are alone or that nobody cares what happens to us. Those are not God moments. Those are “poor me” moments. Gratitude is the quickest cure I know that takes care of those kinds of thoughts. And don’t look at me in that tone of voice and say that you never have those moments. I don’t care what kind of faith person you are, every person has had those thoughts at one time or another. We live on this earth and we have an enemy. He sends thoughts our way all the time. What we do with those thoughts determines where we are. Why do you think that part of the armor of God that we are to wear is the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy. Why do you think 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to cast down vain imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. We are to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing.
The Lord has made provision for the times when we are bombarded with the wrong thoughts. He has made a way out with His Word and His Spirit and His name and His blood. Jesus shed His blood so that we could receive escape from the kind of life that is full of heartache and hardship. God is so good. He has given us His Word that we might offset the fiery thought darts of the wicked one. He has given us His name that we might command those thoughts to bow their knee to the name of Jesus. He has given us His Spirit, the precious Holy Spirit, that He might lift us into His place of authority out of our weakness. It is a win, win situation.
I love the scripture in Deuteronomy 28:47 Amplified Bible. I turn it around for a wonderful faith confession.
Let’s confess it together.
I serve You Lord my God with joyfulness of mind and heart in gratitude for the abundance of all with which You have blessed me.
I couple that confession with this one in John 1:16 in the Amplified Bible.
Out of Your fullness, Lord, our of Your abundance, I have received, had a share in, been supplied with one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift heaped upon gift.
Oh, thank You, Lord, for the fullness of Your blessing in my life. Thank You for giving me favor where and when I need it. Thank You for giving me so many wonderful gifts. And Your grace for me is overwhelming. Oh, Lord, thank You for blessing me beyond anything I ever dreamed or thought possible. It is so good to live in the Land of The Blessing. I am so blessed. Thank You, Lord. I am grateful for Your many blessings. But most of all, I am grateful that I know You, that You are my God, my all in all. Thank You, Lord.
Now, don’t you “feel better” because you have confessed His Word. His Word is full of life. His Word is Him. His Word is Love. And the Holy Spirit makes His Word alive in our hearts and minds. The Holy Spirit is our wonderful Standby, Who is always there. He is everything we need.
Today and every day practice being grateful. See yourself in the land of abundance. On purpose, deliberately, see yourself in the land of milk and honey. What you see and what you say is what you become over a period of time. It is not the short term that counts but what happens in the long haul that will stand. Where you are now is not where you have to stay. Do something about moving out and moving up into heavenly places where you truly are seated. And God won’t have to call you up there with Him by saying: Where are you? You will be there already.
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