What Is Your Destination?
What are your goals for 2008? Do you have a vision? What is it? Is it specific? Do you have personal goals as well as ministry or career goals? If you have a vision, is it written down? Have you written down what you expect to achieve specifically in 2008?
You may not think vision is important for you personally, but you will never achieve your full potential without a plan. So many times when we ask people what their goals are, they say, nothing in particular. If your goals are nothing in particular, that is exactly what you will get-----nothing in particular.
God has placed in every one of us a dream, a destiny. It was part of the imprint of His DNA which He placed in us at our birth. It lay there dormant until we were born again, became His child by spiritual birth. If you are born again, you need to stir up the gift that is inside you. How do you do that? By praying in tongues. If you don’t have your prayer language, if you don’t believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, then you need it. Praying in our native language can be very limiting. It is limited to our head knowledge when God has so much more in the spirit realm for us to access. The Holy Spirit knows our destiny and He will reveal it to us as we pray in the spirit.
Vision is extremely important. The Word of God says that without a vision the people perish or run wild. Vision sets the boundaries of our pathway, keeps us on the right path.
What is vision? It is what you dream about doing. It is the passion of your life. For example, your vision may be to marry and raise a family of God-loving, God-fearing children. Or your vision may be to become the best farmer that has ever been in your area. Or your vision may be to have your own business and become a multi-millionaire. Or your vision may be to train up leaders in the Body of Christ to take the gospel around the world.
The vastness of the vision must be narrowed down to bite-size pieces. This year you may specifically set your goal as mentoring one person in the ministry and training them to become a leader in your church. Sometimes we can have as many as 100 little goals for that year. Not all of them may be accomplished for the year. Carry them over to the next year. You will eventually be able to check them off. You may have a personal goal to clean out the attic this year. One of your goals may be to cook at least several home-cooked meals for the family a week. A definite goal should be that the family will eat dinner together and discuss their day, with the television turned off. You see, goals don’t have to be big and fancy. There are many goals that all of us need to be thinking about for our lives.
Once again, I have been impressed to be specific this year regarding my goals for my personal life and my ministry. When a person starts writing down goals, other goals come to mind and the list grows until it is complete.
If you have not already done so, sit down today and make a list of goals you want to accomplish this year. These are not New Year’s resolutions. These are part of the vision God has for your life. If you are dissatisfied and unsettled, it may be that you have not defined your vision and written goals to accomplish it. We were all designed by God to have purpose and pursue it.
Habakkuk 2:2,3 Amplified Bible
And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to ] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day.
Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, the people perish (is made naked)….
Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish….
What we see here is that we are naked without an understanding of what the Lord has redeemed us from and into. Many people dwell on the “from” and not on the “into.” What is God’s plan for your life now that you have accepted His redemption, His freedom? He has redeemed you, set you free for a purpose. You have purpose. Yes, you do have purpose. God has a dream for you. Find out what His dream is for you and get right in the middle of it. It is the place of great joy and pleasure, the place of complete contentment. Not there yet---don’t despair---pray much and get God's vision. His is the vision that satisfies. He has great plans for you.
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