Trust God To Move You Out Of Your Past
For 34 years I have been challenged with situations that involved my family’s lives and the medical community---situations where I had to extend mercy and forgiveness. Time after time I thought that I had allowed God to take care of all of it. Then something would come up which would trigger a sore spot in me. And I did not like it. The Lord would help me over the hump and I thought I was finished with it. Then something else would come up and there I would go again.
Do you have something in your life that is like that? Well, this is the year that things of long-standing challenge will be defeated forever. Strongholds that have been holding you back will come down.
Today, my dear Pearls of Wisdom readers, I was set free, totally and completely.
Let me tell you my story.
My husband was scheduled for hernia surgery today at our local medical hospital, which has been the source of my challenge for years. In spite of my much prayer and time in the Word, I was very on edge and I admit that I had to fight fear from the very onset of the initiation of this whole process. I had prayed and prayed and prayed and seemingly got nowhere. That is, until today, the day of the surgery.
When they wheeled my husband through the surgical wing doors, satan whispered that I would never see him again. All sorts of tormenting thoughts were being hurled my way. I resisted. I stayed in the Word. I took authority over fear. Finally I went out into the main lobby to call my good friend and ask for a prayer of agreement. I could not get a signal on my cell phone, so I had to go down this little hallway to get a good signal. After she prayed with me, I looked up from the bench where I was sitting. And right there was the chapel.
I went into the chapel and could feel the fear coming up my legs and attempting to overtake me, with memories from the past attempting to flood me. I was by myself so I was able to pray in tongues in earnest. The Lord spoke to me and these were His exact words: Don’t you think it is time to deal with this situation forever? I said: Yes, sir, it is time. I give it all to you once and for all. And just like that, in a moment of time, it was all gone. All the symptoms of bitterness, the anger, the unforgiveness, the anxiety, the concern were gone. I want to make a point here. I had already dealt with the bitterness, the anger, the unforgiveness, the anxiety, the concern. It was the symptoms that were still lingering like symptoms of illness that attempt to linger. Symptoms are lies of the devil, whether they come in your physical body or in your finances or in any area of your life. Many times, after we allow the Spirit of God to deal with the problems, satan attempts to bring symptoms back again and again and again.
I am telling you that God is faithful. If we will keep coming to Him, He will show us how to step out of the areas of defeat and turn them into areas of total victory. But the key is being faithful to Him and to His Word, even when it looks like time after time we still are in the same place of not quite making it over the top. And once again, we face the giant, who taunts us.
God is so good. He will take you over the top. Give Him your hand. He will do the rest. I am a free woman tonight as I sit here writing this Pearls of Wisdom. You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. What I must emphasize to you is that I am free because I stayed in the Truth of the Word and stayed with the Spirit of Truth. I didn’t give up, nor did I quit. I knew that the key was there. All I needed to do was to open myself up to the Lord time after time until I was able to go over the top. Today is my day. It has been an awesome day. This can be your day as well.
God never gives up on us. Let’s never give up on Him and His goodness. Let’s never lose our faith in Him when it looks like it is not working. God’s Word always works, regardless of what it looks like in your life. It is not because of God that it doesn’t seem to work in your or my life. It is the roadblocks that we have allowed life to erect in our minds. These mental and emotional roadblocks keep the Spirit of God from operating as He so desires to do in our lives.
I have been walking with the Lord for a long time, and my life has been tough at times because of huge disappointments and disillusionments from the past-----prayers seemingly unanswered, loved ones dying for no apparent reason, children going in a different direction. Whatever it is that has been tough in your life, let it go. Let that old person of the past go forever. That is what happened to me today. I have no past. It is history. I only have NOW. God is always NOW. NOW faith is!!!!!!!!!!! Eternity is always now. There is no time in the eternal life of God. Live for Him. He will bring you into heights you have never experienced before.
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