Light, Be!
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Personalized Confession:
The same God Who said, Who commanded----
Let Light shine out of darkness!
Light in Me, BE!
is the One Who has shined, beamed forth His Light in my heart which was once darkened with sin and in my body which was once darkened with sickness and disease.
His command was this: LIGHT IN ME, BE!
I accept! I receive the Light of His glory. I receive the benefits of His Presence in my life. I receive healing and health. I receive righteousness, my sins forgiven and redeemed by the blood of the Lamb from the dominion of darkness, the realm of the curse and death. I am free from satan’s dominion forever. Jesus has forever set me free to worship Him.
God has done all the work.
All I do is believe and receive the FINISHED WORK.
His Light shines and reveals, illuminates His majesty and glory. I see. I have knowledge of His majesty and glory. His majesty and glory are manifest in the person of Jesus Christ and revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. I am walking in the majesty and glory of God.
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