As we continue our thoughts on the meaning of Christmas today, let’s finish with Isaiah 9:6,7.
His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. If we look in the Strong’s Concordance for the Hebrew meaning of these words, this is what we find.
Wonderful: A miracle:--marvelous thing, wonder (-ful, -fully).
Counselor: To advise, deliberate or resolve
The Mighty God: The powerful, strong, valiant God, warrior, champion
The Everlasting Father: Perpetually, eternal, pass on, continue. Father means chief.
The Prince of Peace: Peace: Shalom: Safe, well, happy, friendly, welfare, health, prosperity, peace, favor, rest, safety, wholly. Comes from shalam: to be safe in mind, body or estate, to be completed or to make completed. To be friendly, to reciprocate, make amends, make an end, finish, full, give again, make good, repay or pay again, make to be at peace, perfect, perform, make prosperous, recompense, render, requite, make restitution, restore, reward
Prince: head person, lord, captain, master, general, governor, keeper, ruler, steward, comes from the root word which means to have or exercise dominion
So, if we put these all together, what do we have as a description of Jesus Christ.
In His name we have miracles which are marvelous things, wonders to behold.
We have One Who knows the best advice to give us, advice which is accurate, which will resolve the issues we are facing.
We have the powerful, strong and valiant God as our warrior, our champion. He has conquered for us and handed us the spoils of His conquering. That makes us more than conquerors.
We have a Father forever, eternally and we know that eternal means without end, unchanging, without variance, stable. So, we have a Father who doesn’t change, Who is always the same to us, regardless of what we do. He loves us, regardless of whether we are the vilest sinner at the present time or the godliest saint. His love is without regard to the person or their place. And it grieves His heart when the one He loves does not choose Him because He knows what their future is. How that must hurt Him, particularly as we get ready to celebrate His sending His only Son at that time into the world to suffer a horrible death for every person ever to be born on this earth. Let this love that He has, which has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5) propel us to tell others the Good News of Jesus. How will they know except we tell them. How will they come except we pray and stand in the gap for them.
We have a Lord, a Prince, Who has dominion over all, both in heaven and in earth and beneath the earth. And the greatest thing about it is that our Lord has given us that dominion, that authority under His direction, by the words of our mouths, to take authority over the principalities and powers and to have dominion on this earth. Now that doesn’t mean we have dominion over one another. Too many people have twisted that dominion into trying to control other people. That is not the dominion we are talking about here.
And look at what Jesus is the Lord over. The list is long and strong. Go up there in the paragraph describing peace again. Jesus is Lord over your health, your happiness, your prosperity, your safety, your well-being, your wholeness. He has made an end to satan’s dominion over you and restored you to wholeness in His kingdom. He has made restitution or paid the price with His blood for your freedom. You are free because of Jesus. You are headed to heaven because of Jesus. You can have days of heaven on earth, while you are here, because of Jesus. Don’t wait until you get to heaven to enjoy your benefits. The benefit plan starts today, just like a benefit plan starts the day you are an employee of a new company. Take advantage of your benefits. Don’t wait.