Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Faith Is Now

Have you ever heard the expression: God is never too early and He is never too late; He is right on time? Or have you said it yourself? This may shock you, but that is a religious expression we humans have come up with to explain our lack of faith for something. It covers the time span, just in case the “manifestation” does not come when we say we are expecting it.

According to Hebrews 11:1 NOW faith is….
According to Mark 11:22-24 the faith of God, the God-kind of faith, says to the situation: Be removed, be gone and he who says that shall have what he says. What is the ingredient here for success? He shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass. We also see in these verses that when we pray, whatsoever things we desire, believe that we receive them and we shall have them.

So, how do we get to this place of believing? What do we do? Romans 11:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing----hearing what? The Word of God. And what kind of hearing is that? It is not the hearing with the physical ear, although that is how the Word enters our spiritual ears or the inside of us, our spirit man. Out physical ear hears the word preached, whether by a preacher standing in a pulpit or by our speaking the Word of God to ourselves. Our physical ears hear the actual word spoken, and as we hear, our spiritual man tunes into God’s Word and hears what the Word is speaking to us. Our spirits thrive and produce God’s Word to change and rearrange things here on this earth according to the Truth of God, His Word. God loves to hear His language, and we love to speak His language. He has a language----His Word----and His language has a voice in this earth. It is called the voice of faith.

Let me say something about speaking the Word of God to ourselves. Some people think that confessing the Word of God is just a routine----an “I’ve got to do it to have success” thing. That is not what confessing the Word of God is all about. Confessing the Word of God is spending time with your wonderful Father, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, speaking His language, His Word to Him, an intimate time of fellowship over His Word. Some of the best times I have had with the Lord are those times when I am confessing His Word and realizing the life that is going forth from that word on my behalf. What an honor! What a privilege it is to speak forth the Word of God and sense in our spirits that it is changing things. Don’t ever take for granted that wonderful communication with Father God of the honor of speaking His Word.

God has no time frame as we do here on this earth. He is eternal. He lives in an eternal, timeless place. He is always NOW! He is not yesterday. He is not tomorrow. He is NOW! Actually, we are NOW people. One second ago is no longer now. Now is where you are in this present moment. My finite human brain cannot comprehend that it is complete NOW, but my spirit man can understand.

When you speak the Word, NOW it is. It is not going to be. It is NOW. That is what faith is all about. It is believing that the God of the NOW has come on the scene for you, and you can totally trust Him to take care of your situation. You don’t have to wait for the manifestation to know that He has taken charge, that He is in control of your circumstances. There is nothing to be concerned about any longer because God is doing what His Word says He will do. That is true faith. It is trusting God that what you have spoken of His Word is accomplished. It is finished.

Faith is NOW! It is always NOW!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Who Are You?

Who are you and what has Jesus done for you? When we take time continually to consider the awesome place in which we stand because of Jesus, we will be different people. There is no room for doubt, unbelief, fear and negative thoughts in the hearts and minds of those who think on God and His Word. Here are some thoughts from God’s Word to meditate until they become a part of us.

I am a child of the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
I am the redeemed of the Lord.
I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus Who loves me.
I am a person of faith.
I am saved because Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood for me.
I am free from the curse of the law.
I am adopted by the Father of the universe, God Almighty.
I am born of love.
I am walking in the spirit and not fulfilling the lust of the flesh.
I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
I am healthy because Jesus took my sicknesses and diseases.
I am free because He whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
I am a person of the Word of God.
I am in the light as He is in the light.
I am full of the power of God.
I am a victorious one because He has already won the battle for me.
I am held in the everlasting arms of God at all times.
I am never alone because He will never leave me nor forsake me.
I am living the abundant life because Jesus came that I might have and enjoy life to the full, in abundance, until it overflows.
I am an overcomer because Jesus has overcome the world for me.
I am daily walking in the ample provision of God.
I am blessed with the blessing of Abraham.
I am supplied with all I need at all times.
I am purchased with the blood of Jesus.
I am a partaker of all that His covenant provides for me.
I am grateful for all He has done for me.

Make your own list. It will make you sit up and speak the right things. At all times let’s be watchful of what we say and think and do.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

God's Life vs Satan's Death

What situation in your life is satan attempting to bring his spirit of death into today? Is it your finances? Is it your health? Is it your marriage? Is it your children? Is it your home? Is it your church? Is it your nation? My next question is: And why are you as a child of the KING of kings and the LORD of lords allowing it? You have been given authority over satan and all that he attempts to bring about in your life.

What is death? It is separation from that which is the life of God in any given situation or circumstance. It doesn’t just mean separation from your physical body and this earth to go to heaven. It means separation from that which God has ordained, prepared ahead of time, and made ready for you.

Jesus said that He came that we may have and enjoy life, have it in abundance, to the full, until it overflows. Paul stated in Romans that the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death. God is Life Himself. Why would anyone allow death to override Life Himself? He is Love and He is Light. Love Himself dwells in you to bring forth Life Himself Who is demonstrated in this earth as Light Himself or what we call dunamis power.

The power of the Almighty God is residing on the inside of every one of God’s children to put to flight the one who brings his death-dealing filth to try to stop you from fulfilling what God has called for you, for your life, for the life of your family, for the life of your church, for the life of your nation. You have been given God’s authority to take charge of the life He has given you. Rise up today, mighty woman or man of God and put to flight the enemy. You have been given the power to do it.

Stop cowering before a defeated foe and rise up to the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ, Who dwells in you by the power of the Holy Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to take charge and bring to naught what the devil intended for evil in you life. Don’t just stand there and whimper! Take charge! You have been given all the weapons you need----the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Word of God----and they are mighty to the pulling down of every stronghold that has been erected against you.

Draw nigh to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. It is time to stop running and instead stand your ground, turn around, look the enemy in the eye, and say: “No more, devil. I’m God’s property. Take your hands off God’s property.” Then, having done all, stand therefore and hold your ground. And let the Lord do battle for you. He will cause you to rise up as the conqueror that you are and proclaim the victory as you stand, holding high the banner of Jehovah-nissi.

What is the key? Fear not the enemy, who has already been defeated. See yourself walking in full victory, even in the midst of the situation which would appear contrary to victory. Take the Word of God, which is your sword and don’t quit until you have what you are standing for. Don’t ever give up, cave in or quit. You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus Who loves you and paid the price for your freedom. Declare and proclaim your freedom; don’t ever take it for granted. Walk in the fullness of the freedom Jesus Christ purchased for you. Do it for the Glory of God to shine forth!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Let’s talk today about trusting God, particularly in the area of walking out the plan for your life and letting Him direct your path.

Remember that God has a plan for your life from the very moment that you are conceived in your mother’s womb. He tells us in Psalm 139:14 that He has wonderfully made us, that we are complex, and it is remarkable to think about how perfectly He made us. His workmanship is beautiful and marvelous to behold! You are one of a kind, uniquely created for the work that He has called you to do. You are not like anyone else, so don’t try to be like anyone else. You are you, and that is the way God intended you to be. You may say, what about this weakness and what about that? God doesn’t see you that way. Remember, you have been redeemed from the curse of the law, and the curse of the law includes all the weaknesses of your life. They are covered by the precious blood of Jesus, and you are blessed with His strengths, which overshadow your weaknesses. The key to walking in His strengths is yielding to Him, staying close to Him, abiding in His Word, the secret place of the Most High.

You are a Very Important Person to the Father, to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit. The Father gave His most precious gift to you, who are also His most precious gift. You are a gift to Him as Jesus was a gift to Him. He values you beyond measure. There is not a value that can be placed on you that is higher than His Son Jesus. And then Jesus loves you so much that He gave His life for you. And then the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in you and made you the temple of God. What more do you need?

Do you realize that God never makes a mistake and, therefore, didn’t make a mistake when He created you? And you know the neat thing about Him—He never created a failure or fear-ridden nobody. You are somebody. You are His child, created in His image, in His likeness, with all His characteristics, His character, His abilities. When you trust Him and all His abilities and fruit and gifts inside you, then you give Him the open highway for the success factor to be created in your life, for you personally. That means success in every area of your life. What do you think prosperity means? It means success, excellence in every area of your life.

Start where you are and ask the Lord to give you His vision. Meditate on who you are in Him. Think about what He has given you in the person of Himself—unlimited ability. My, my, my, what a wonderful plan and what a wonderful planner. He has only good for you and your life. If you have experienced a lot of the opposite, it is because you did not know what a good God you serve, and when the enemy, the devil, came and brought his junk, you didn’t know to send him “packing.” Well, turn the tables on him from now on, and walk the victorious life. He knows that you are the victorious one. Now you are going to have to walk that way and he will flee. Oh, he may try to stick around and see if you are going to go into your old ways, but you can outlast him because he is already defeated.

Be blessed today in the fullness of what God has for you.

Kept By God

1 Thessalonians. 5:23,24 Amplified Bible

The God of peace—wholeness—sanctifies, separates us from profane things (sin, sickness, fear, lack, discouragement, hopelessness, etc.) and makes us pure, healthy and wholly consecrated to Him. He preserves our spirit, soul and body sound (healthy and strong) and complete (filled up with no part lacking) so that it is found blameless, without fault, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Faithful (worthy to be believed, steadfast to one’s word or promises) is He Who is calling you to Himself and utterly trustworthy, and He will also fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you.(Emphasis added by author)

The Holy Spirit is our keeper. Jude 24 tells us in the Amplified Bible that He is able to keep us without stumbling, slipping or falling and to present us unblemished, blameless and faultless before the presence of His glory in triumphant joy and exultation with unspeakable, ecstatic delight.

Ponder these two verses today. God is separating us from things that are contrary to Him and His will for our lives, into what is in line with His will for our lives. There’s a separation between us and profane things. We are not only separated from, but separated to—separated to Him, His love, His glory, His peace, His joy, all that He is. What a good separation!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at these words (Strong’s Concordance): preserved (to guard from loss or injury by keeping the eye upon, to keep from destruction or decay; defend from evil; protect; save; keep intact, which means untouched by anything that harms or defiles, left complete and entire); sanctify (to withdraw from fellowship with the world by first gaining fellowship with God); peace (prosperity, one, rest, quietness, deliverance and freedom from all the distresses experienced as a result of sin).

We are separated and made pure by the Word, which God Himself is speaking. The Holy Spirit takes the Word and breathes the breath of life into it and it becomes life to us. The Word is life, health, healing, medicine to all our flesh (Prov. 4:22).

John 15:3
We are clean (pure) through the Word.

Eph. 5:26b
…we are cleansed (purified) with the washing of water by, with the Word.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Spirit Of Power And Love and A Sound Mind

2 Timothy 1:7 KJV tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Instead of focusing on the fear portion, let’s focus on what God has given us: a spirit of power and a spirit of love and a spirit of a sound mind.

The Greek word for power here is dunamis – that explosive, miracle-working power of God. When you were born again, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in you with His love, which flows through you as His life and flows out of you as His light (dunamis power). You have that miracle-working power flow of God available all the time, but if you do not recognize that fact, it is as if you have no power. When satan comes with his tormenting report, if you focus on his evil report, instead of keeping the eyes of your spirit focused on God’s report (His Word), God’s miraculous power is rendered inoperative. It is only what we KNOW and USE that we will walk in. Unfortunately, many Christians don’t know the kind of power they have in Christ Jesus and, thus, live defeated, broken-down lives, no different than those in the world.

Next, let’s look at the God-kind of love that never fails. God’s pure, unconditional love, without doubt or fear, is in us. We are told in Romans 5:5 that God’s love is poured forth in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. We have the fullness of His abundant love in us. It is already there. We must believe it and act accordingly. We are told in John 17:26 that the same love with which the Father loved Jesus is in us. God’s perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). And how is that perfect love perfected in us? 1 John 2:5 tells us that whoso keeps His Word, in him verily is the love of God perfected. We must dwell in the Word continually. It is a lamp unto our feet (our walk of faith on this earth) and a light unto our path (of life).

What is a sound mind? I discovered something very interesting about this phrase when I looked up the Greek word for “sound” in Strong’s Concordance. Listen to this. The word “sound” comes from the Greek word sophronismos, which means discipline, self-control, sound mind. This Greek word comes from sophronizo, which means to make of sound mind, to discipline or correct, teach to be sober. This Greek word comes from sophron, which means safe or sound in mind, self-controlled, moderate as to opinion or passion, discreet, sober, temperate. This Greek word comes from the base of sozo and phren. I said all of the above to get you to the root words, which, interestingly enough, together mean this: phren—to rein in or curb, fence or enclose; figuratively, the feelings or sensitive nature, the mind or cognitive faculties, understanding and sozo—to save, deliver, protect, heal, preserve, do well, be made whole.

What do we have from all this?
God has given us in our spirits His power, His love and His ability to be made whole, to control and discipline our minds to stay on course, and correct any deviation from that course that He has set for our lives while we are here on this earth. This is what we have—this is God’s Word. There is only one way to maintain that type of mindset—The Word of God that YOU meditate on, that YOU declare, that YOU speak, that YOU choose to believe for YOUR life.

This is not always easy, as we have an adversary who is right there to say: Has God said this? And even if He has said this, is it for you? Can you attain it? And my answer is: Yes, God has said this and it is for me and I don’t have to attain it. He has already given it to me. All I have to do is to thank Him and believe it. IT IS MINE NOW!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Words Create Images, Part 3

The Kingdom of God, with all its power, is in me, in the ground of my heart. This Kingdom is capable of producing God’s Word—spiritual force, power that operates that kingdom. It all works by Love, by God, because God is love.

The Word works in the human spirit—takes on flesh so to speak, to manifest in the earth.

The heart is a garden—Garden of Eden—and produces everything I need from the seed of the Word.

My spirit, connected with the Holy Spirit, searches for the wisdom of God to get me in position to cause what I am saying to come to pass in my life.

John 1:1 Without the Word (Him) was not anything made. The Word is our spiritual substance to build the image God’s faith sees. His image becomes our image, which His faith then has the substance to produce in us.

My part is to speak (sow) the Word. The rest is God’s part—faith will produce.

The power is in the Word—the power is in the seed—plant it. Power, energy, force is released once it’s in the ground of the heart to grow. The life is in that Word, that seed, ready to be released. Speak, pray the Word—the thing desired. Say what the Word says. Regardless of the lack you see in the natural, you continue to speak what God’s Word says.

After you plant the seed of God’s Word, you don’t go away, leave it and not tend it, or you won’t have a harvest. You must water that Word with praise and thanksgiving for the completed work of His Word to be accomplished in your life. You watch over the seed of His Word as it grows. You don’t uproot it with the wrong confession by saying that it is not working when you don’t see immediate results. You keep on praising; You keep on thanking; You keep on speaking the Word. It will produce in your life—it’s a process of time. You don’t give up, cave in or quit. The Word will produce what it says. God’s Word will not return to Him void, empty of results, but it will accomplish what it is sent to do. You mouth is the sender and God is the producer.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Words Create Images, Part 2

Yes, words do produce images.

The Word of God produces an image inside you. That image in the spirit takes on form and becomes reality in the natural realm. Mary received the seed of God’s Word in her spirit and that seed became reality in her human womb and was born as Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh.

I have all of God’s Word working for me. All I have to do is receive its working for me. The moment I receive it—the seed—it’s conceived in my spirit.

When I speak, confess the Word of God, it releases God’s energy force in me—faith, love, etc.

The Word has just as much power to heal me, as Jesus had when He was on the earth as the Word made flesh.

The spiritual force of God is in His Word—that spiritual force is faith. The Word is incorruptible seed, but I can stop the seed from producing in the ground of my heart with stones of offense, unforgiveness, bitterness, disappointment because of affliction or persecution; stones (thorns) of cares, anxieties, distractions of this world; stones of deceitfulness of riches; stones of lusts for other things. All of these stones, thorns, weeds choke out the word. What is interesting is that the ground will even try to grow the stones. Ground is created to produce. Whatever touches it activates that ground to produce.

It is my job to put the seed of the Word in the ground of my heart in order to have a harvest, manifestation.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Words Create Images

Words create images.
God’s word transmits to us, creates in us, His image, the Spirit of faith, the Spirit of life and love.

Faith brings with it the ability to produce, conceive and manifest harvest.
The Holy Spirit is the author of the Word of God. God’s Word is filled with His power.

The Word-faith-confession process takes time, is a process.
Your voice speaks God’s Word, releasing a force called faith, which enters your spirit, and you receive that force of faith, which is the spiritual energy necessary to bring what you need into manifestation.

Through God’s Word, He is transmitting to us the image He has of us in His Spirit.
The image He has of us is built into His Word for us to grasp and agree with Him.
God’s Word builds an image, His image of us.

When we first start confessing the Word of God, there is little or no creative ability yet. Over time, that Word begins to strengthen our faith muscles until they become so strong that when we speak, creative ability is released. How will we know when this time is here for us? No person or contrary circumstance can change our minds. We know that we have what the Word says about us, regardless of what we see in the natural realm. We do not have to “work up” anything. We just KNOW!

Faith is in proportion to the Word we are confessing. More word—more faith!

Make a decision to believe God.

God sent His Word—Jesus—clothed with flesh, to this earth to prove, to show His Word has the ability to do the same on earth as He has done in heaven. Jesus is the Word personified; He made the Word personal; the Word took on flesh and became a person named Jesus on this earth. Jesus, the Word, was the creator of all things. He framed the world. Jesus was the Word in physical form.

The Holy Spirit now is here on the earth to produce the Word in us, the results, the manifestation.

What God Is, The Word Is

What God is, the Word is!

Our words express our thoughts, our desires: God’s Word expresses His thoughts, His desires. His Word creates, makes an image of His person (the substance of Who He is). Therefore, God’s Word is just as much substance as He is and brings into this earthly, physical realm the substance of His realm. It actually becomes earthly material. God’s Word is His person, His image written on paper—His personality, the way he thinks, believes, acts—what He operates on—His power, His ability, His energy. Contained in His Word is everything He is, all He is, the fullness of Him. His Word is a manifestation of Himself. His Word produces results in our lives as we act on it.

God is a faith being. And where do we get faith—His Word. When we act in faith, it’s God Himself acting on our behalf through us, manifesting, making real His personality through us and causing us to act like Him, to become like Him, to have what He has.

When we speak His Word, we express God and release His personality—He is released to manifest Himself—faith is the trigger. When we operate by faith from the Word, God manifests Himself, producing what we believed because He, a faith God, is released to do what He loves to do.

John 1:1-4
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the WORD WAS GOD. (Emphasis added by author)
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
Psalm 107:20
HE SENT HIS WORD (emphasis added by author), and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

My prayer today is that God will make real to you how easy faith is and how much He wants to bless you with His substance.

God Is My Stronghold

God loves you and me. He has set His favor upon us. He has given us His stability so that we can stand firm and not be easily shaken. He wants to become our stronghold, our place of strength. When He is our Stronghold, we cannot be defeated or destroyed. His anointing saturates us, keeps us steadfast, stable, immovable.

A stronghold is a house constructed of thoughts, which develop into a pattern of thinking, a mindset, which produces a way of speaking. It has been reported by the scientific community that thoughts which are repetitive produce grooves in the physical brain. I am not a scientist; therefore, whether this is true or not, I do not know. I do know that the scripture tells us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Our spirit, our mind, and our mouth are connected. And the mind is housed in the physical organ called the brain.

What stronghold are you building? Are you focusing on your own weaknesses and causing them to become strongholds in your life, or are you focusing on the Word of God and causing God and His Word to become your stronghold?

Psalm 28:8 Amplified Bible
The Lord is their [unyielding] Strength, and He is the Stronghold of salvation to [me] His anointed.

We know that salvation is an all-inclusive word, encompassing us with all that God is. Whatever we need is contained in that word—righteousness, healing, health, belief, prosperity, victory, success, care freeness, deliverance, total freedom. Jesus’ death on the cross set us free. He was raised from the dead so that we might be free. He is seated at the right hand of the Father so that we might be free. Let’s celebrate our freedom today and every day, whether we feel like it or not and whether it looks like it in the natural, earthly realm or not.

When we build God’s stronghold, we build upon His anointing, which is His presence, Who is the Holy Spirit, Who is Love, life and Light for us and the world around us.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Set Apart Unto Him

God has sanctified us, set us apart from the world for Himself, to be holy (pure vessels of Himself, Love Himself). Why? Why has He set us apart unto Himself—SO THAT HE CAN BLESS US.

We are influenced by, become like, who or what we are connected to. When are connected to the Lord Himself and allow Him to set us apart unto Himself, it is for one purpose and one purpose only: that all that He has may be opened and available to us for our life here on this earth. He wants to bless us, to empower us with His power. And His power is His love.

When we are desperate for His presence, when we live for just a moment with Him, for time with Him, then His love, His power, is active for us and for those around us every day. His love, His power activated in us, sets us apart from the world, creates a different environment around us. Being born again does not automatically set us apart unto Him totally; that is a decision we make after we are born again. It is a quality decision we make that we will make Him our Lord, the One in charge of everything in our lives. We make a decision to allow Him to determine our direction in life, to determine the decisions we make. We do it His way instead of our way.

How about you? Where do you stand today on allowing the Jesus to be truly the LORD of your life? Have you allowed Him to set you apart unto himself? He offers. Have you taken Him up on His offer? And what is waiting for you in His Presence, in being set apart unto Him—all that He is and all that He has: abundance, health, prosperity, success, victory in life.

Yes, we are set apart unto the Lord, and every day we choose to accept that position of blessing, daily making that the life we live, a life focused on Him, on His presence. He is to be our everything.

Praise Him

Praise produces a shield around us that stops satan and all his works and all his demons against us—stops him in his tracks. Praise causes all the fiery darts of worry, anxiety, fear, defeat, failure, doubt, unbelief, poverty, sickness, disease, lack, want, etc to bounce off us.

Praise comes forth from a grateful heart and causes us to turn to trust the Lord with all our lives. We serve the Lord with joyfulness of heart and mind in gratitude for all with which He has blessed us.

Our praise blesses the Lord, releases, looses the floodgates of His life, His love, His light in us and for us and binds the curse, the darkness, the fear, the death of the enemy satan.

So let your praises ring forth from your innermost being; praise Him for all that He has done for you, past tense. It is finished. What we have to do is to accept what He has done, receive it, act on it first with our mouth. Then, as we get the understanding and the revelation of what He has done, we act on it in our lives, always remembering to go by His instructions, His Word to us, drawing on His wisdom and not our own earthly ideas and wisdom.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

God's Written Will

God the Father willed to me righteousness, health, wealth, prosperity, well-being, peace, joy, love, all the fruit, all He has, when Jesus died. It was all part of the will. In the will (my Bible) is a list of all the things I have been made an heir to, all the things I inherited as a result of the death of my brother Jesus. He gave everything He had to me; it is all mine now. I am rich. He gave me everything I would ever need to be a victorious, overcoming Christian (little anointed one) in this world.

How do I access what has been willed to me? First of all, I must read the will to know what has been given to me. Then, all I have to do is to receive it. How do I receive it? With my mouth, I say, I receive __________ (whatever it is in the will that you need to access) NOW. It is all ours NOW, today, this moment. What part of the will have you received? It is quite a will, far superior to any will that any human being wills to me.

Through the death of Jesus Christ, I have access to all that the Father has for me. Jesus took my sins, that I might be made righteous. He took my sicknesses and diseases, that I might be made healthy. He took my poverty, that I might be made wealthy. He took my anxieties, that I might have peace. He took my fear that I might have faith. He bore it all—not one thing was left out. The Father didn’t say—oops, I forgot something; Jesus, come back here; this is not complete. When Jesus said, It is finished, it was finished for all eternity. Everything was done, completed, a done deal. Everything I will ever need has been provided and released for me on this earth, to do what I have been called to do, whether I am a housewife, a doctor, a bricklayer, a car salesman, a minister, or whatever I am.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Your Spiritual DNA

God has written the very plan for my life on the inside of me, with all the provisions I will need. It is like a computer chip in a computer, with all the information on it, God’s very DNA for my life. What I have to do to access it is to be born again and then allow the Holy Spirit to guide me and direct me. How do I do this? By praying much in the spirit and attending to His Word for me personally.

We are told in John 16:13, Amplified Bible, that the Holy Spirit will announce and declare to us the things that are to come, that will happen in the future.

In Jeremiah 29:11, Amplified Bible, we see that the Lord says through Jeremiah that He knows the thoughts and plans that He has for you, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. The KJV says: to give you an expected end.

In Ephesians 2:10, Amplified Bible, we read that you are God’s own handiwork, His workmanship, recreated in Christ Jesus, that you may do those good works which God predestined, planned beforehand, for you, taking paths which He prepared ahead of time, that you should walk in them, living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for you to live.

The Lord watches over you to perform all that is written in the Book about you, your spiritual DNA, that He personally created, uniquely your own—you are one of a kind—He made you in His love and His image.

Friday, October 10, 2008

God's Mighty Power

God’s mighty power is inside you and me today. His resurrection power is flowing through our veins. He wants to do great and mighty exploits through us with His power. This mighty power of God which resides in us as His children is described in Ephesians 1:19-23. We are told that His power is in us and for us who believe. His power is ever flowing, but we must believe that it is flowing in and out of US. This power of His which is for us is unlimited, without bounds, without measure. It is infinite.

God specifically tells us what that power is. It is the same power that He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and set Him at His own right hand, far above all principalities and powers and rulers and dominions and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in the world which is to come. That power is the power that is in you and me right now. Selah, pause and think on this for a while. This understanding of His power is the foundation of our firm belief that all things are possible with God.

In Ephesians 3:20 we see that God’s power in us brings His ability on the scene to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think or dream or imagine or pray or ponder or desire or hope for or do in our own skill. His power is beyond all human ability. It carries us into the fullness of His Kingdom operating on this earth though us as His children; after all, Jesus is called the King of kings. That makes us kings also, operating in His realm, subject to His way of doing things, which is actually called righteousness. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are made righteous, right in God’s eyes, doing things God’s way and thinking God’s thoughts. Even if we don’t feel like we are living up to that standard of righteousness, God sees us as righteous. His vision is clearly focused on us as right with Him.

No foe can withstand God’s power at operation. The next time the devil comes at you with his lies and baggage of bondage, say, “No thanks, I don’t believe I will take any of that.” If he attempts to pressure you, give him some of God’s power punch. It will knock him out of the ballgame every time. You do have power. It is not your power. It is the power of God. God has given it to you to use on this earth as you do His work and live your life to the fullest degree of satisfaction and happiness. Your Lord takes pleasure in your prosperity, your successful life, your enjoying the good life in His Presence. Take a great big helping of God’s power today and sling it in the devil’s face. “Take that, devil. There is more where that came from and I know how to use it.”

My prayer for you today is that you will know and understand the “…exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe….(Ephesians 1:19).

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Confession of God's Word

Yesterday we confessed the Word of God concerning entrusting to the Lord our lives and those things which concern us.

Today, let’s make some positive confessions for ourselves.

God’s Word is my confession.
The Word of God and the Holy Spirit of God are within me.

You sent Your Word and healed me and delivered me from destruction.
Your Word has become a part of me.
Your Word flows in my spirit, my soul (mind, will, emotions) and my body.
Your Word flows to every cell of my body----floods my cells with life, your blood.
Your Word restores me.
Your Word transforms me.
Your Word is manifest in me.

As I yield to your Word,the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus takes over, frees me from the law of sin and death.
That Spirit of Life, Your Life, is quickening, energizing every cell in my body.

Sickness, fear, oppression has no power over me.
God, Your power no foe can withstand.

As the blood pumps through my body, even so, the Word of God, the Spirit of God, the blood of Jesus courses through my blood vessels, arteries and veins with every heartbeat. Every breath I breathe is God-breathed, God-indwelt.

The Word of God, the Spirit of God, the blood of Jesus cleanses me and replaces the old with the new, bad with good, death with life.

I apply the blood of Jesus to everything----
My time, my vision, my ability to hear from God clearly and my right to walk in His Presence and not be deceived.
I pray the protective covering and coating of the blood of Jesus over my spirit, my soul (my mind, my will and my emotions), my body and over everything I own or possess or are concerned with.

I am delivered from the authority of darkness and its results (sin, sickness, poverty, lack, defeat, failure, the devil).

Lord, I ask You to strengthen weak areas in my life with Your Strength, Your Might.

Holy Spirit, thank You for showing me things to come and preparing me to stand firm against the wiles of the enemy. I put on the full armor of God that I may stand firmly in my place, not moving from my position of victory, power and authority. I am an overcomer.

I am of God. I belong to God. I have already defeated and overcome the agents of antichrist because He Who lives in me is greater, mightier than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4, Amplified Bible).

Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, I am so grateful that your desire for me is that I prosper and be in health, even as my soul prospers (3 John 2). I am prospering. I am in health. My soul is prospering.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I Know Who Keeps Me

Today I have a confession that all of us need to make. The words from Matthew 6:25-33 and 2 Timothy 1:12-14 should be a daily reminder to us of Who we serve and how powerful our God truly is.

Are you ready? Let’s speak-------

I stop being perpetually anxious and worried about my life.
I’m worth more than the birds of the air that my heavenly Father feeds.
I cannot add to the span of my life by worrying or being anxious.

Thank You, Lord, for clothing me, arraying me in your magnificence, splendor, excellence, dignity, grace, garments of salvation, robe of righteousness, your complete armor (loins girt with the belt of truth, having on the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation, my feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, holding up the shield of faith, taking the sword of the spirit).
Therefore, I do not worry nor am I anxious.

I seek, aim at, strive after first Your Kingdom (Your way of doing things and Your righteousness (Your way of being right); and all these things taken together will be given me.
So, I do not worry nor am I anxious for tomorrow.

…for I know Whom I have believed (trusted in, relied on, adhered to),
that He is able to keep (guard) that which I have committed (deposited) unto Him against (until) that day.

I hold fast (follow) the form (pattern) of sound (wholesome) words (teaching), which I have heard in faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus.

That good thing (precious and excellently adapted truth) which was committed (entrusted) unto me I keep (guard with the greatest care) by the Holy Ghost Who dwells in me.

God has given us all things to enjoy, so why should we worry or fear. He who takes care of the birds of the air will surely take care of His children. Seek Him first always and you will reap all the benefits of being His child. He will take care of you.

The Love Of Christ

2 Cor. 5:14-19 (Author’s paraphrase from KJV and Amplified Bible)

The love of Christ constrains me, controls me, urges me, impels me, moves me, propels me (Wuest – The love which Christ has for me presses on me from all sides, wraps itself around me in tenderness.) (Phillips – The very spring of my actions is the love of Christ.)

Christ died for me so that I may live, and I no longer live to and for myself but to and for Him.

Therefore, from now on, I estimate and regard no one from a purely human point of view – in terms of natural standards or values.
I stop criticizing and analyzing and judging and evaluating others.

Since all things are from God, when I criticize others, I am criticizing God and what He created.

Jesus Christ has reconciled me to Himself, received me into favor, brought me into harmony with Himself and has given to me the ministry of reconciliation. By my words and deeds I aim to bring others into harmony with Him.

God was personally present in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world to favor with Himself, not counting up and holding against men their trespasses but cancelling them.
This is reality.
God no longer counts people’s sins against them. All people have to do is accept the results of Christ’s work.

He has committed to me the message of reconciliation, of restoration to favor.

Don’t you love these verses? Because of the love of Christ controlling me, I see no one from a purely human standpoint any more. I see them through the eyes of Jesus; I take on His vision of seeing them as complete in Himself. I no longer criticize others. Rather, I aim to bring them into harmony with God. It is my privilege to tell people that God is not mad at them. He loves them and has restored them to favor with Himself. All they have to do is to accept His work. How simple the gospel of Jesus Christ is, and mankind makes it so complicated.

You have a ministry; it is the ministry of reconciliation. Go and tell the world about the God Who loves them and Who has purchased their right to be back in fellowship with Him. If some don’t listen, there are many more who will hear. Do not give up or be intimidated. Someone needs to tell them that God loves them. And someone needs to demonstrate God's love through their words and deeds. That someone is YOU!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Negative = Decrease

This morning I was thinking about the way someone treats me. I was focusing on their negative, condescending, arrogant attitude and their sharp tongue. Right in the middle of that pondering of how badly it made me feel, the Lord spoke these words to me. “Every time you focus on the negative, you are drawing decrease into your life.” That is a powerful statement, to say the least.

I believe all of us need to take a new look at our lives and check to see the areas in which we have developed negative thinking. Perhaps that answers the question: Why is nothing good happening in my life? Why am I sick all the time? Why don’t we have enough money? What is wrong with my marriage? Why are my children going the wrong way? I believe the question we should be asking ourselves is this: How am I thinking in this situation? Am I seeing only the bad, the negative things that are happening to me? Am I centered on me? Am I focused on poor me?

What a wake-up call this is to me and you. When negative things happen in our lives, we are to focus on God’s goodness. His Word tells us that He is a God of abundance. Abundance means overflow, always abounding. God turns negative situations around when we get in line with Him. We must be in alignment with God’s laws of goodness. His laws are all based on one law----the law of love.

What does it mean to love? Love sees the best in every situation. Love thinks the best of everyone. God deliberately set it up this way. His Kingdom is a kingdom of abundance, of increase, of The Blessing in operation. As soon as we start thinking the world’s way----negatively----we have connected ourselves to the world’s outcome, which is decrease. When we think God’s way, we have connected ourselves to God’s outcome, which is increase. God’s outcome is a good life. He supplies our needs. He heals all our diseases. He turns our marriages around. He brings our children into right relationship with Him. He causes the joy that is within us to come forth again.

It makes so much sense now that I look at the whole negative mentality. When we are focused on the negative things that are happening to us, we project the worst things happening, things going wrong. This kind of thinking causes us to ponder decrease. We may not be thinking “decrease,” but we are thinking the kinds of thoughts that produce decrease in our lives rather than increase. Here are the kinds of thoughts we are thinking: What if I lose my job? What if I can’t pay my bills? What if my marriage ends in divorce? What if my children never come back? What if I get sick and die? What if? What if? What if? The “what if’s” will get you every time.

Let’s stop flowing with the negative stream and say these things. What if I get a promotion? What if I pay my bills and have more than enough money left for offerings and savings? What if my husband/wife and I are so in love with one another that we enjoy being with each other all the time? What if my children are “on fire” for Jesus? What if I am so healthy I don’t have to take medicine or be going to the doctor all the time? How about these “what if’s”?

The real question we must ask ourselves today is this: Who am I connecting to in my life----God and His Kingdom of increase or the god of this world and his kingdom of decrease?

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Strong In The Lord

You and I have been given instructions from God’s Word that when we are weak, we are to say that we are strong. In Joel 3:10b we read these words: let the weak say, I am strong. What is the context in which this statement was made? It was made as a part of preparation for war.

When we prepare for war, we must know that we are strong as God’s warriors. Even when we feel weak, we are not to declare our weakness. We are to declare our strength. Where do we get that strength? It comes from our Father, Almighty God. He is the strong and mighty One. It is not in our own strength. It is in the power of His strength, His might.

We are in a war with the enemy satan 24-7. But the nice thing about this war is that he is already a defeated foe, and we are the enforcers of that defeat. We are the occupying army, standing our ground of victory that has been won for us by another, Jesus Christ. The battle is not ours; that battle was fought and won many years ago. Jesus turned the keys of victory over to us. However, there is one problem: if we don’t know that we are victorious, we can suffer great loss and casualties in a fight that never should be occurring. The only fight that we are to fight is the good fight of faith. Did you notice that word “good”? It’s a good fight. We stand our ground.

Let’s look at some scriptures in Ephesians 6 (KJV and Amplified Bible), the famous chapter on the armor of God. The first thing we are told is that we are to be strong in the Lord, that we are empowered through our union with Him. We are to draw our strength from Him. His strength is that which His boundless might provides (v. 10). We are to put on the whole armor. Why? So that we may stand up against the wiles, strategies, traps of the enemy. When we put on God’s complete armor, we do it so that we may be able to resist and stand our ground when we are confronted by satan. God backs us with His power and has given us His authority to stand firmly in the place of victory He has provided for us.

We stand our ground; we don’t back up, back down or turn away. We stand firmly in our place, knowing that we have the victory. Satan can snort and paw the ground and breathe fiery darts at us, but we have God’s armor to withstand his personal attack against us. That armor is mighty through God to the pulling down of every one of satan’s strongholds he has attempted to erect against our forward motion, which is called progress.

Keep on your armor; it really is the Truth of God’s Word, Jesus Christ Himself, Who is called the Word. Our loins are girt with Truth (Word, Jesus). We have on the breastplate of righteousness (Jesus the Word is our righteousness.). Our feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace (the Word). We take the shield of faith (Faith comes by hearing the Word.). We put on the helmet of salvation (Jesus the Word is our salvation.). We wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And there you have it. You have on your armor.

Now you are ready to do battle----praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. Go forth. Move the enemy right out of your territory. It belongs to you and not to him.

Obedience And Faithfulness

Did you know that obedience and faithfulness go together as a team?

Our God, Who is a faithful God, calls us to obey Him and gives us His Word as a guide to that obedience. As we are obedient to His Will, we develop a pattern of faithfulness. Why is that, you may ask? I am glad you asked that question. Since God is faithful, when we do what He says, His faithfulness becomes our lifestyle, because that is His lifestyle.

Through Jesus’ obedience unto death and the consequences of sin, we were made righteous. If He had not been obedient, we would not be sitting where we are as children of God. He was faithful to carry out the plan the Father had chosen before the foundation of the world. He always did what His Father told Him to do. He was obedient and He was faithful. The word faithful means to consistently do what you are told to do (obedience), whether you feel like doing it or not. You build a track record of obedience; that is called faithfulness.

There is so much you and I can be faithful to do. We can start by a simple act of being faithful in our homes to do our jobs, whether we are children or parents, husband or wife. We can faithfully carry out our God-given duties in our communities. One such duty is keeping the community clean by not throwing trash around. That is a simple duty, but a mark of respect and obedience to the laws of the land: Do not litter. All of us Americans have another God-given duty coming up very shortly----the election. We can be faithful in our churches by simple attendance and giving and serving. Pastors would have it so much easier if the members of their churches would consider it a privilege and joy to serve wherever they are needed. If everyone assumed the position God has called him to do, there would such a flow in the Body of Christ. All of us need improvement in these areas. The important thing is that we aim for perfecting our obedience and our faithfulness.

One of the great tests of obedience for all of us is to forgive someone when they have wronged us. Paul addressed that test in 2 Corinthians 2:5-14. After the person had been chastised for their wrong, it was necessary to forgive them. Paul said that he was writing to see how their attitude was----had they been obedient to what he had told them? Had they faithfully carried out his instructions? And look what he says is the result of their obedience and faithfulness. It is to keep satan from getting the advantage over us, for we are not ignorant of his wiles and intentions. And here is the cream at the top of the churn----God, in Christ, always leads us in triumph as trophies of Christ’s victory and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere. Here is the result of obedience to God and faithfulness to do what He asks: VICTORY AND THE SPREADING OF THE SWEET FRAGRANCE OF JESUS!

Do you want victory in your life? Practice obedience and faithfulness. I know I need to continue improving in these two areas. How about you?

God's Wisdom

In Proverbs 8:35 we read that whoever finds Wisdom finds life and draws forth and obtains favor from the Lord.

We as God’s children have the Wisdom of God dwelling in us at all times. Jesus is called the Wisdom of God. The Holy Spirit is the Wisdom of God. In James we are told to ask God for Wisdom if we need it. We are to call forth the Wisdom of God through praying in the spirit. When we draw on God’s Wisdom, we are asking for the broad picture to be revealed to us. Many times, we see only a small portion of the broad picture that God sees in our lives. When we get a view from God’s perspective, it changes the way we think, the way we respond to situations, the way we act.

We know when we have taken on God’s vision. We see clearly; we don’t move quickly; we act calmly from God’s place of confidence. The eyes of our understanding are opened, and there is clarity of purpose. There is no longer the wavering and doubtfulness. Wisdom from God presents God’s way of doing things, His way of being right.

The Wisdom of God provides us with everything we will ever need. As we become quiet before the Lord and rest in His Presence, His Wisdom pulls up from our inner man the answer or answers we have been desiring.

In Proverbs 3:21-26 (KJV, Amplified Bible, NLT) we are told not to lose sight of Godly Wisdom, good planning and insight. His Wisdom fills you with life and brings you honor and respect. He, Wisdom, keeps you safe. You can lie down and not be afraid and enjoy sweet sleep, pleasant dreams. You need not be afraid of disaster or destruction, for the Lord is your safety, your security, your confidence. He is the One Who makes your confidence in Him firm and strong. He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap or some hidden danger.

God, Wisdom Himself, is calling us. If we turn and change our ways to His ways, God will pour out His Spirit upon us; He will make His Words known to us. Whoever hearkens to Wisdom shall dwell securely and in confident trust and shall be quiet, without fear or dread of evil. (Proverbs 1:20,21,23,33 Amplified Bible)

O God, we turn from seeking our own way of doing things (fleshly wisdom) and seek Your Wisdom to do what you call us to do.