Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Full Of God's Light

Today, let’s finish our study of God’s fullness in us. Our focus will be on the Light of God, which is the visibility of His Glory in this earth. Jesus told His disciples and us in John 17:22 that He was giving to us the same glory which the Father gave Him. Why? That we may be one with Jesus and the Father as They are One. What a wonderful gift! Jesus gave us the Glory of God the Father, which had been given to Him. The Glory of God has been given to you and me. Pause and think on that for a long time.

We must realize here that the Glory of God is expressed in honoring another. When we honor God, we are glorifying Him. We are releasing His Glory, His Presence, His Light. God is to be honored at all times. We are to respect Him. We are to reverence Him. At the same time, we are to understand that we can be intimately acquainted with Him because of Jesus. We can come into His Presence and be loved and adored by Him. He loves us as His children. He loves to do things for us. He loves to be with us. There are these two parts to God: He is our Heavenly Father and He is also God Almighty, the God of the universe, the Creator of Heaven and earth. What a privilege we have as His children.

In 1 John 1:5 we read that God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. The fullness of God in us is the fullness of Light in us, as well as Life and Love. In the first chapter of John, Jesus was described as the true Light Who came into the world to give understanding of God to every man in the world. In John 8:12; 9:5 and 12:46 Jesus says that He is the Light of the world. He has come as a Light into the world. We who follow Him will not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life. We will not continue to walk in darkness, not knowing Who God is and how He operates in His Kingdom.

Unfortunately, not everyone receives Him or welcomes Him. “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved (discovered). But He that does truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God” (done depending on God) John 3:19-21. (Emphasis added by author)

But we are children of God; we are children of the Light of God. He is our Light and salvation. In Matthew 5:14,16 Jesus told His disciples and us that we are the light of the world. We are to let our light shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father Who is in heaven.

The light of God, Jesus Himself manifest in the flesh on this earth, is in you and me today. God Himself indwells us. The fullness of God is in us today. As we ponder, think on, meditate Who is in us, we will be changed people. There is nothing that can stand before God in us. He is all love, all life, all light and glory and power. He is all in all. He is everything we will ever need, want or desire. He is our everything.

Today, we can dwell on His goodness in us. God Himself is dwelling in you today as you read this Pearls of Wisdom, if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior. You are a powerhouse, ready to be released in this earth with the dunamis power of God. His power is gentle but explosive---gentle for us as His children, explosive where the devil and his demonic forces are concerned, obliterating all that is in our pathway which is not of God. Believe God and His power of love, life and light in you and for you.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Fullness Of The Love Of God

Yesterday, we talked about the fullness of God in us. We dwelt mainly on the Life of God, Zoe. Today, let’s talk about the fullness of God in us from the vantage point of His love. God is life. God is love. And God is light. We will talk about the fullness of His light tomorrow.

In John 17: 23 and 26, Jesus told his disciples then and us now the Father loves us as He has loved Jesus. The same love with which He loves Jesus is in us because Jesus is in us. Since Jesus is in us, God’s Love (Agape) is in us.

Once again today, we will look at scriptures in Ephesians 3. Paul gives us a prayer that he prayed for the church at Ephesus. It can also be our prayer. It is a prayer about God, about Love, because in the book of 1 John we read that God is love (v. 8 & 15). We read further in v. 12 of 1 John 4 that if we love one another, God (Who is Love) dwells in us, and His Love is perfected (matured) in us.

In Ephesians 3:14-21 (author’s paraphrase from the Amplified Bible) Paul talks to us about God, Love dwelling in us. This is a very familiar scripture to many of us. In fact, we confess it every day. Look at it through new vision today.

God has granted us out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with His mighty power, Who is the Holy Spirit, Love Himself, the anointing in our inner man, our spirits. This is accomplished by the Holy Spirit Himself dwelling in our spirits, our entire being, our entire personality. Christ, the Anointed One with His anointing, Who is the Holy Spirit of Love and power, through our faith, dwells in our hearts permanently. He takes up residence in our hearts as His home. Because of the Holy Spirit of Love dwelling in us, we can become rooted deeply in love and found securely anchored on the rock of His love, His Presence. When this happens, we have the power, the strength to grasp, understand, comprehend God’s love.

We can understand the fourth dimension of God. In this world we live in three dimensions. When we live in God, in His love, we are living in the fourth dimension. His love is described in four dimensions----breadth, length, height and depth.

It is possible for us to come to know the love of God in reality while we are here on this earth. His love far surpasses mere knowledge. It is to be experienced. So we see from these verses in Ephesians 3 that the fullness of God is not just His life; it is His Love, the essence of His being. We can be flooded with the fullness of God’s love, to overflowing.

We can read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (author’s paraphrase of the Amplified Bible), which tells us what we are full of when we are full of God’s love. It is an accomplished fact and not something we are attempting to achieve. What we must do is believe what we have when the Holy Spirit came to dwell in us as a result of what Jesus Christ had done for us.

We have Agape love. Therefore, we endure long. We are patient and kind. We are never envious or boil over with jealousy. We are not boastful or display ourselves haughtily. We are not conceited, arrogant or inflated with pride. We are not rude and unmannerly. We do not act unbecomingly. We do not insist on our own rights or our own way. We are not self-seeking. We are not touchy, fretful or resentful. We take no account of the evil done to us; we pay no attention to a suffered wrong. We do not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but we rejoice when right and truth prevail. We bear up under anything and everything that comes. We are ever ready to believe the best of every person. Our hopes never fade under any circumstances. We endure everything without weakening. We never fail. Why? Love, God never fails. Love in us never fails. He never fails or wears out or comes to an end; He is eternal, everlasting, forever, without end.

I am sure that you, like I, think this description of us with the love of God in us, is not possible to achieve. Jesus has already achieved it for us. What we must do is believe that what He achieved for us is operating in us. That is where faith comes into the picture. We must believe that we receive what Jesus has accomplished for us. Without Him, of course, it would be impossible to love. I am thinking of some people right now that I could not love without His abiding Presence. Thoughts come and go. Let them die unborn. Don’t give voice to your unlovely thoughts. They come from our enemy, satan. Speak the Word of God over those unlovely thoughts. 1 Corinthians 13 is our guidebook. We must speak it often to enforce the reality of God’s Love in our lives.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Full Of God

Are you born again? Have you accepted what Jesus did for you on the cross? Do you believe that He died for you, took your place and rose again and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father? If you have answered yes to all of these questions, you are full of God.

While Jesus was here on this earth, He made this statement in John 10:10 (author’s paraphrase from the Amplified Bible): I have come that you might have My life, the God-kind of life which is called Zoë life. I have come that you might enjoy that life and have it in abundance, to the full, until it overflows into the lives of those around you. He wasn’t just talking about having His life; He was talking about having His life in such proportions that it spills over into everything we do. This is reality. This is fact for every child of God. Jesus said it. He does not lie. He came that we might have and enjoy His quality of life while we are here on this earth. We don’t have to wait until we get to heaven.

The apostle Paul in Colossians 1:19 and 2:9,10 tells us that it pleased the Heavenly Father that in Jesus Christ should all the fullness dwell. In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Then in the same breath, Paul tells us that we are complete in Jesus Christ, made full in Him, have His fullness of life. And if that is not enough, Paul said that the One Who is the fullness of God is the head of all principality and power. He is in you. Jesus Christ in you gives you the ability to take authority over all principality and power.

Just a few more verses down in chapter 2 of Colossians we read in verse 15 that this same Jesus Christ has spoiled (defeated, stripped of their authority) principalities and powers and triumphed over them in Himself and in the cross. That is the best news we will ever hear. We don’t need the world’s news. We need this good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Are you excited? Listen to this in Ephesians 3:19 in the Amplified Bible. Paul is talking about us as individuals in the Body of Christ being filled through all our being with the fullness of God. He is telling us that we may have the richest measure of God’s divine Presence and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself. Do you hear what Paul is saying here? You and I as members of the Body of Christ can experience the fullness of God and His Presence in us and through us. We are full of God.

In verse 23 of Ephesians 1 Paul tells us again that we are the Body of Christ, full of God, filled with the fullness of Him Who fills all in all. In His Body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself. Fullness-----meditate on this reality of God’s Presence in you.

Finally, in John 1:16 in the Amplified Bible, we find one of my favorite verses. Out of this fullness of God that is in us, out of the abundance of His Zoë life in us, we have received one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift heaped upon gift.

What more do we need! We have the fullness of God’s life in us. Speak these scriptures over yourself until you know that you know that you know Who is in you and what He wants to do in you and through you.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No Weapon

Isaiah 54:17 is one of the scriptures I speak quite frequently over myself, my family, and my partners.
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

There is absolutely no weapon that is formed against me that will prosper or succeed. No weapon-------!!!!! Sickness and disease is a weapon formed against my healthy body. Lack, want and poverty is a weapon formed against my abundant finances. Do you see here that the weapon is formed, attempts to take on shape where you are concerned? I don’t allow that weapon to come to completion in forming against me. Jesus has already taken care of all those weapons that would be formed against me.

There is not one weapon that satan can form against me that has not already been taken care of. All I have to do is accept that reality. There is not one weapon in the whole universe that can be formed against me that Jesus has not already taken care of for me. I want you to think about this very carefully.

What has your enemy satan and his demonic forces been attempting to forge against you? That weapon has already been destroyed before he even attempts to form it. Get a grip on this. I love it. There is nothing satan can do to me that Jesus has not already conquered for me thousands of years ago. Actually, it was a settled fact, a finished work in God’s eyes before the foundation of the world. We all need to think more about this. We need to keep this settled fact uppermost in our renewed minds. No weapon!!!!!!

Then, look at the end of this verse 17. I have a heritage. That heritage is one of peace, righteousness, security, and triumph over opposition. When satan comes at me and says, I am going to destroy you, I say: No weapon you form against me will succeed because I have a heritage. You are my opposition, and I have been given the ability by my Lord to triumph over opposition. I have been given total peace (wholeness) and security because I have a heritage of righteousness. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

We hook verse 17 with verses 14 and 15 and we have a dynamite package, full of explosive power. Listen to this: I am established in righteousness. I shall be far from oppression or destruction. I shall not fear. I am far from terror for it shall not come near me. The enemy may gather his forces against me, but nothing he forms against me shall prosper, succeed. That is good news, isn’t it? This is the good news of the gospel. Jesus has done it all. He has paid the ultimate price for our victory. All we have to do is accept it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Father's Heart

Heavenly Father, You are the best Father.
Jesus, You came from the Father’s heart to reveal His heart for us to be free, whole.
Holy Spirit, You are the best Teacher, because everything you tell us is from the Father’s heart.

It is all about the Father’s heart. Our heavenly Father, God Almighty, Mighty God, Jehovah, Yahweh (whatever name you call Him), is full of love, mercy, forgiveness, lovingkindness. What is in His heart is there for all eternity. It is there eternally for you and me. He is ready to express His heart to each of us individually, 24-7. He has already opened His heart for the world. That world includes you and me. We must accept personally what the Father has given to us.

He sent Jesus to the world. He sent His only Son. God so loved this world (which includes you personally) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. God loved you so much that He sent His Word and healed you and delivered you from destruction. He sent Jesus the Word to become flesh and dwell among mankind. Jesus had a purpose as He walked the pathways of this earth. His purpose was to reveal the Father’s heart to mankind. Mankind had been deceived by his man-made ideas of the character of God. Jesus was full of compassion. He expressed mercy wherever He went. His whole 33 years on this earth was for the sole purpose of revealing the Father. He told His disciples that if they had seen Him, they had seen the Father.

Your Heavenly Father dearly loves you. He is not on a path to beat you up and destroy you and send sickness on you to teach you a lesson. He is not developing your character through trials and tribulations. He loves you too much to wipe you out. He will wipe out wickedness, but He does not wipe out people. If people hold on to wickedness, they are wiped out with the wickedness they are holding to themselves. But God delights in His children who have accepted Jesus as their Savior and Redeemer. He loves everyone, but He has covenant with those who have accepted His Son. He will fight for you if He has to do so. He is your Father. He loves you.

Our loving Father has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. He has loaded us with benefits. He has given us The Blessing of His Kingdom. He has given us everything He has. So what is the problem with us? Why aren’t we receiving? Why do we stand in lack? Why do we have unanswered prayers? What is wrong with this picture?

I have seen something this weekend as I spent much time with the Lord. You and I can have faith in our hearts because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. We can have our minds renewed by the Word of God and still remain in lack. What!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!! The point of our turnaround comes with decision. Part of our soul is our will. All of us have a decision maker built in to us. God designed us that way. When we make the decision that we are definitely healed, definitely prosperous, definitely have answered prayers, we release the Spirit of God to bring about results in our lives.

Our healing, our prosperity, our well-being is not determined by circumstantial evidence. Our healing, our prosperity, our well-being is determined by the Word of God. If the Word says we are healed, that settles it. We are healed. What about symptoms? Do what we have to do in the natural as we stand firmly on the Word of God. We don’t back down, back off, back up or waver. What God says in His Word is Truth for us. We accept His Truth. We place His Truth over the word of the world. We see ourselves with the Truth of the Word of God operating in our lives.

It’s all about decision after you know the Truth. When you know the Truth of the Word of God, the Truth will make you free, if you receive by decision the Truth of the Word. Our Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are for us. They are not against us. The Father and Jesus have done all that they are going to do for us. The Holy Spirit is waiting for us to release Him to do what He wants to do for us every day. We release Him by the words of our mouth, made in decision, backed by the truth of the Word of God. Our problem is that if we don’t see instant results, we want to give up and quit. God has the instant results. We are the ones who stop Him with the doubts and unbelief and fears that have been built up in us like sludge in a pipe. We have to let God unclog us. He loves to do that so that He can get all His gifts to us. Let Him work in you today.

Say this over and over and over and over until you believe it without doubting or wavering:
My dear Heavenly Father loves me; He sent His Son Jesus for me and to me.
Jesus loves me, this I know; He died for me and took my sicknesses, sins, poverty and lack of peace (shalom: wholeness).
The Holy Spirit loves me and is proving that love by dwelling in me and performing His Word in me.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pay Attention, Think, Speak, Become

What we give attention to, we think on.
What we think on, we speak.
And what we speak, we become.

Proverbs 4:20-22 give us very explicit instructions to live our lives successfully. We are given several specific pointers from the Lord. Pay attention to My Word. Put it in your ears. Do not let it depart from your eyes. Keep it in the center of your heart.

Look at these instructions.
We are to pay attention to God’s Word. What does paying attention to something mean? It means that we focus on that thing. We give time to that thing. It becomes the focal point of our life. When we were children, sometimes our parents would look at us and say: Pay attention to me. They were making that statement to us because they were saying something to us that we needed to heed and do. When we pay attention to what God is saying to us, heeding His wisdom and doing what He says, we stay in a place of tranquility, free from many of the consequences that others endure. There are many things that happen in people’s lives that could have been prevented if they had known what to do and how to handle a particular situation in which they found themselves. Or maybe they could have avoided the situation altogether.

We are to hear God’s Word. Listening and hearing are in two different arenas. I can listen to you and have my mind on something else, but when I am hearing what you say, I am focused on your words. I comprehend, I understand what you are saying because I am concentrating on what you are saying. What you are saying is becoming a part of my thinking process. I am “taking it in.” When I hear God’s Word, it is becoming a part of me.

We are to keep God’s Word before our eyes. When I look at the Word in my Bible, it is registering an image on my mind. I am seeing what I am reading. When I stop and consider what I am seeing in a scripture, I am envisioning with my spiritual eyes what I am seeing with my physical eyes, and that Word is becoming a part of me. As we read the Word of God, we need to pause, consider what we are reading, think of how to apply it in our lives and see ourselves doing it.

We are to keep God’s Word in the center or midst of our heart. How do we keep God’s Word in the center of our heart? We do that by meditating on it as we go about our day. We think on it all the time. We consider ourselves doing God’s Word. We see ourselves in the middle of God’s Word. We see God’s Word happening in our lives. We dream and think about God’s Word being our very lifestyle. He and His Word are our priority all the time.

Then we see in verse 22 what the results are of keeping God’s Word before our eyes, in our ears, and in the center of our heart. The results of paying attention to God’s Word are these: His Word is life to us; it produces His very life (zoe) in us. His Word is health or medicine to all our flesh.

Pay attention. Look. Hear. Focus. Keep. These are our words of instruction from Proverbs 4:20-22. If we are obedient to these instructions, God’s life will be produced in us and health comes to our flesh. What a promise from our Lord. It can become reality, fact in our lives.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Living Word Of His Power

God’s Word is His expression of His nature, the very essence of His being. His very life, light and love are embodied in His Word. In other words, His Word is the container of His power. His Word is alive, teeming with the life of His Kingdom (Hebrews 4:12). . Do we truly realize what we hold in our hands when we take the Bible and sit down to read God’s Word, to confess God’s Word, to meditate on God’s Word? We are literally holding the key to the power of this world.

You see, the people of this world think they operate in power when they are the head person, whether it be in their company or their nation. That is counterfeit power for the real thing. God is the real thing. His power is eternal, never-failing, always the same. You and I can count on the power of His Word. His Word never changes, just as He never changes. He and His Word are the same yesterday, today and forever.

What we read in His Word is His Truth which has already been established for all eternity. It will not change. It will work for whoever puts it to work. There is power in the Word of God. There is power in the Word of God to heal you. There is power in the Word of God to deliver you. There is power in the Word of God to take care of your financial needs. There is power in the Word of God to prosper you in all areas of your life.

Are there keys to opening the power of God’s Word in our lives? Of course there are. Let’s look at these keys. In order for the Word of God to operate in our lives and produce results, it or He must be first place in our lives. We must look to His Word first, before we look to the “fixes” of the world. Yes, there are things that we can do in the natural realm. And sometimes we must use those natural things that are available to us. My greatest concern, particularly for us here in America, is that we tend to look at the natural “fixes” first rather than God and His Word. These “fixes” are so readily available that we have this mentality in the back of our minds: If I can’t receive it by the Word, I can____________! His Word must be first.

When God’s Word is first place in our lives, we take time to read it, study it, meditate it, confess it. It becomes the most precious Word to us. There is no other word that takes priority over Him and His Word. We begin to realize the tremendous, dynamic power that is available to us through His Word. The more time we spend with Him and His Word, the more we realize that this is our ultimate source of strength, of power, of health, of financial well-being, of righteousness and sanctification. His Word is His will written on paper. His Word is His blueprint of His Kingdom operation.

God’s Word is our ultimate weapon. It is not a weapon of destruction but a weapon of love and completion. It is a weapon that will stand when all earthly weapons have been removed. God’s Word will stand throughout all eternity. His Word is His power. Why is that? God is the Word made flesh (John 1:1,14). God is love (1 John 4:8,16). God’s Love is the greatest power in the universe.

Today whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whatever is happening in your life-----Stop! Look! Listen to God’s Word! He will tell you what to do and give you the power to do it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


We all make choices in life, every day, many times a day. As I sit here at my computer, I have a choice to believe that my day will be a good day and rejoice in it or to gripe about getting off to a bad start with many interruptions. Have you ever had one of those days? Well, today and actually the past two weeks have been like that for me. You may have had some of those days yourself. What do we do about them? That’s what we are going to talk about today.

In Deuteronomy 30:19,20 we read these instructions: God has set before us life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore, we are to choose life. We are to choose blessing. Every day we make that new decision. I choose to see life and blessing everywhere I go and in everything I do. When we choose life, we are choosing God and His way of doing things, which is the right way.

We are also instructed in Psalm 118:24 to rejoice and be glad in the day because the Lord has made it. This is the day that the Lord has made. He knew about each situation you and I would encounter this day, whether it is scheduled or an interruption. You see, if we look at the day as God’s day, there is no such thing as an interruption. There are only intercepts to what we had planned for the day.

God has created this day. Since God has created this day, when we rejoice and we are glad in the day (not what is happening to us), we see His provision which He has released for that day. Every day He has already released by His Word what we need for that day. What God has spoken is available right now for us to accomplish what we are supposed to do today.

NOW faith is. We are to live in the now, today, not tomorrow or the past. Looking into the future robs us of the joy of today. We must find good things for which we can be thankful today. We all must learn to look at life from God’s viewpoint. His viewpoint is always good, encouraging, uplifting and full of possibilities.

We need to rejoice in the now, today, because it is more than enough. He provides more than enough faith to live this day, not tomorrow or next week. Our faith is in Him to bring to pass what is needed for this day, to accomplish His plans for this day.

Yes, life is all about choices. We can either look at the negative impossibilities and become impossibility minded or we can look at all the possibilities and become possibility minded. It is the old adage about how we look at the glass. Is it half full or is it half empty? It is all in our attitude, our outlook. Right now, as you read this Pearl, think of possibilities for today. God is waiting with all kinds of solutions and insights for our lives. The next move is up to us. He has already moved on the chessboard of our lives. He wins every time if we let Him. It is a win, win situation with God.

Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice. That is my choice today. How about you?

Monday, November 10, 2008


In this busy world in which we are living, right now it seems that we are all busier with more things than ever before in our lives. We must ever be watchful to be aware of those things that would steal our time from the Lord and intimacy with Him.

What is it today that is stealing your time? Are there areas of unnecessary time consumption? Are you spending the time with The Father, Jesus, The Holy Spirit that you believe He wants?

It is not always the amount of time but the quality of the relationship. What is short to one person may be long to another. This is a personal inventory, not one to critique ourselves against someone else and either feel condemned or superior.

Time is a very unique commodity that God has given us to live in while we are here on this earth. God is a God of limitless time called eternity. There is no time factor in the heavenly sphere of the spirit, as eternity is without time. I know that our finite minds cannot comprehend that. Remember that God lives in eternity and because He lives in you, then you live in eternity.

Let God be the Lord of your time and redeem it where necessary. Put Him in charge of each day when you get up. Ask the Holy Spirit to order your steps. This is an area of faith that we all need to walk in.

Enjoy the rest of your day and your week and your life as you turn your time over to the Lord. You will be astounded to see what He will do with it. What is interesting is that all of your work will be accomplished. You will turn around and say: How did I do that?

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Prayer Focus

What we focus on in prayer is critical to the proper outcome and to the obtaining of the results we want. The first thing we are going to do today is this: Take your thumb and forefinger and put them together like an “O”. Do this with both hands and put them up to your eyes like a pair of glasses. We are putting on our Jesus Word glasses to change our vision from the negative to the positive. If your focus has been on sickness and disease, change your focus to health and healing with your Jesus Word glasses. If your focus has been on want, lack, or poverty, change your focus to wealth with your Jesus Word glasses.

Next, take a sheet of paper and write these words on that paper “WORD OF GOD.” If you have a scripture verse you want to put on that sheet of paper, do it. Then take another sheet of paper and put the negative thing on it, such as, “SICKNESS AND DISEASE.” Now, put the Word of God paper over the sickness and disease paper. What do you see now? All you see is: WORD OF GOD.” This is what God wants us to do in prayer. He wants us to focus on being healed rather than getting rid of sickness and disease, being wealthy, rather than getting rid of want and lack and poverty. He wants our focus to be on the positive and not on the negative. We are told from the Word of God that we overcome evil with good. We are to think good, to talk good, and to act good, instead of thinking on the evil that is involved. Yes, many times, there is evil involved, and we are not to stick our heads in the sand and ignore it. Neither are we to dwell on it. What we dwell on is what we will focus on in prayer. We are to dwell, to focus on the goodness of God and His health, His prosperity, His righteousness.

Many times we find ourselves praying from the vantage point of fixing people when God has already fixed them. Jesus has already died and become sin and sickness and disease for us. He took on poverty and want and lack, that we might take on righteousness and health and prosperity. Jesus has already fixed it. Our prayers release the results into people’s lives. Then our steadfast prayer focus on the results produces a desire in the people for whom we are praying. That desire is God’s desire for their well-being, whether it be for their health and healing or salvation or prosperity. Whatever it is they need, God has the answer. Our prayers open the door for them to walk through. Then our prayers surround them with a desire for health, a desire for salvation, a desire for prosperity. They walk through the door, and we see prayers answered. What we must remember is that God is the one doing the work. All we are doing is being his mouth in the earth to release His Word and His attitude of love, mercy and forgiveness. The rest is up to Him.

Let me make another point here. We don’t pray against something. We pray for something. We don’t pray against sickness and disease. We pray for health. We don’t pray against lack and want; we pray for prosperity. We don’t pray against sin; we pray for righteousness to prevail. Sin, sickness and disease, lack, and want have already been dealt with by Jesus. He has taken care of all of them. It is our job to pray and make the way for His righteousness, health, prosperity to come into people’s lives and set them free from the sin and lack in their lives.

We are not praying to get rid of something. We are praying to institute something. That is why we pray the word instead of our own ideas. As far as I am concerned, one of the best ways to pray is to pray in the spirit until we get the direction from God on what scriptures to pray and how to pray for a situation and the people involved. Then we are praying the precise word that will produce results in that situation and for that person. We must always get God’s clear-cut direction for the prayer. We are never to assume we know what we are doing. Each situation is different, with different people, with different personalities and backgrounds. Assumption is a deadly enemy to effective prayer.

We also must have God’s mindset as we pray. We are not to judge people or condemn them as we pray for them, even if they are evil and doing evil things. We are to take on God’s mindset. He has already judged His Son for all of us with everything evil. God said that He did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, to judge the world, to pass a sentence on the world or to reject the world. Rather, God said that He was sending His Son into the world that they might find salvation and be made whole once again. That is John 3:17, the very next verse after the most quoted verse in the Bible, John 3:16. We also need to look at verse 17 when we quote verse 16.

Oh, what a privilege we have as people of prayer to change the world to become whole again, without the brokenness of sin, sickness and disease, want, lack, depression, rejection, loneliness, etc., all the things that make for a miserable life. Jesus came that we might have and enjoy life, have it in abundance, to the full until it overflows (John 10:10). Consider yourself blessed to have the opportunity to pray for others. It is one of the greatest gifts that God ever gave to us. Take this great gift and use it for all of mankind. You will make a difference!