Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Monday, February 28, 2011


If someone were to walk up to you right now and ask you what righteousness means, could you tell them in terms they would understand?

Let’s take a look at this word. Here is what I believe God has shown me about righteousness. This will be a teaching over several days, using scriptures about righteousness. Righteousness is: The right to be God’s child and stand in His presence knowing that you belong to Him. He is your Father. It gives you all the rights of the Father’s household. This righteousness came as a result of accepting what Jesus Christ has done for us by taking our place as sin and giving us the gift of righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Let’s go exploring in the word concerning righteousness and see what we find. We will start with 1 Peter 1:18-23 in the New Living Translation.

For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver.
He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. God chose him for this purpose long before the world began, but now in these final days, he was sent to the earth for all to see. And he did this for you.
Through Christ you have come to trust in God. And because God raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory, your faith and hope can be placed confidently in God.
Now you can have sincere love for each other as brothers and sisters because you were cleansed from your sins when you accepted the truth of the Good News. So see to it that you really do love each other intensely with all your hearts.
For you have been born again. Your new life did not come from your earthly parents because the life they gave you will end in death. But this new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God.

Isn’t this exciting! You have been given a chance to start over. It is a new beginning, a new birth, born again, not of natural parents but of God as our parent. In the King James Bible, we are told that this seed of the living Word of God (of which we are born again) is incorruptible, not subject to destruction. It is not subject to change. Nothing can alter it. That is good news.


Redeemed Forever

Today we wrap up our teaching on redemption with a vivid picture of what actually happened from the garden to the cross to the tomb to the resurrection. Let’s remind ourselves once again of what redemption really is. It is the freeing of someone who is held hostage, in bondage, as a slave to a slave master. The slave master is a kidnapper who demands a price be paid for the freedom of the one he is holding. The ransom is the price paid to free the person.

All of mankind was held hostage by satan. We were slaves on his slave block. He had gotten us and used us for his purposes, tempting and tormenting us with ungodly thoughts, motives, and actions.

Then Jesus came to this earth in a flesh and blood body, so that He could have a legal right to be here. He walked among men and experienced things that we experience and gave us an example of being an overcomer in this world. At the appointed time, Jesus gave Himself to the enemy. He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane and sweat great drops of blood as He surrendered His will to the Father to take our place as our substitute. He would become sin and pay the full price for sin and its consequences, with all of its horrors known to man.

Jesus not only took our place but He also paid in full with His blood the ticket to free us. We were freed not with the corruptible things such as silver and gold but with the precious blood of Jesus. He paid the price to take us out of the slavery of sin and its consequences. He bought us and then said: You are no longer slaves. You are no longer in bondage. Go and be free. Enjoy life once again.

Jesus carried our sin and all that it entails into hell, and satan and all of his demons thought they had finally gotten him. He was theirs for the taking. He was in hell. They tortured Him unmercifully. BUT, on the third day, the voice of God the Father boomed down through the portals of hell: ENOUGH! THE FULL PRICE IS PAID! ARISE! The Holy Spirit entered Jesus’ body; He stopped by paradise to pick up the saints held in Abraham’s bosom and up they all came. It sort of “freaked out” the people of Jerusalem when they saw their dead kinfolk walking the streets on their way to heaven.

Jesus took His blood to the mercy seat in heaven and placed it there forever. That blood speaks day and night to each of us: LIFE!

The price has been paid. The blood of Jesus has taken care of our sin forever.
Now that is TRUE LOVE!
And that is what we call REDEMPTION!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Redeemed Say So

Psalm 107:1,2
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has delivered from the hand of the adversary.

We are the redeemed of the Lord. We are the ones who have been set free. Freedom is ours. We are free from slavery. We have become sons and daughters of God. WE ARE FREE!

What are we free from? We are free from the curse of the law of sin and death; that means we are free from sin, sickness and disease, poverty, lack, want, disappointment and discouragement ruling our lives, cares and anxieties dogging our tracks. We are free.

I can hear your wheels turning. Doesn’t look like I am free! Who said anything about how it looks. This verse tells us what to say. We are to say: "I am delivered from the hand (the power, the strength) of the adversary (the enemy, the one who is in opposition to me, the one who has enmity in his heart toward me). I give thanks to You, Lord, for You are good, for Your mercy endures forever." That’s what we are to say.

We are not to say how we feel or how things look and what we think is going to happen. We all know that is sometimes EXTREMELY hard to do. What we want to do is tell everyone how bad it is and get someone to listen to us. I have done it so many times. But look at who we are because of Jesus.

We are free from all the negative junk that satan does his best to put on us. We are mightier than he is because of Who is in us. He cannot put anything on you and make it stick. It is like water off a duck’s back. The oil of the Holy Spirit keeps us slippery and nothing satan does can stick to us. That’s truth. What a wonderful God we have! What a loving Father! What a giving brother (Jesus)! He laid down His life so that I could take up His life and truly live the victorious life while I am here on this earth. Earth is getting tough but God is greater. Focus on who you are in Him!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Redeemed To Be Children

Galatians 4:5
To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

We are children of God. We have been adopted by God Almighty. Not only are we born again but also we are adopted. That is a double entry into the household of God. I am so thankful that I am a member of the family of God.

I did nothing to become God’s child other than to accept what Jesus has done for me. He has set me free from all the stuff that the earth tries to put on me and cause me to worry and be anxious and take on care. I think it is pretty neat that I am a child, and children don’t have to concern themselves about what they will do. They know that daddy will take care of it. Jesus told us to become as little children. Little children don’t even think about how something is going to be taken care of.

We are now full children of the Mighty God. We are no longer slaves to the law of sin and death. That law is finished for us. No more sin and no more death hanging over our heads. Jesus has set us free. Hallelujah! I am free to bask in my heavenly Father’s love for me. He is free to love me fully, being able to spend time with me. I am free to spend time with Him. What a privilege we have. Today, thank Jesus for what He has done. He has freed you to be His brother and sister in Father’s household of faith.


Redeemed By The Blood of Jesus

1 Peter 1:18,19
Forasmuch as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation (useless, fruitless way of living) received by tradition from your fathers;
But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.

Titus 2;14, Amplified Bible
Who gave Himself on our behalf that He might redeem us (purchase our freedom) from all iniquity and purify for Himself a people [to be peculiarly His own, people who are] eager and enthusiastic about [living a life that is good and filled with] beneficial deeds.

News reports are swirling of catastrophes and riots and government takeovers and economies shaking and people taking on fear all over the whole world. We are living in the worst of times, and we are living in the best of times. We as God’s people are living in the best of times, because He will take care of us. If we start looking at all that is happening around us, we become very discouraged and frightened actually. I have been reminded almost hourly in the last several days to keep my focus steadily fixed on Jesus, not looking to the left or to the right.

Jesus Christ has redeemed you and me from the curse of the law into the blessing of Abraham. Part of the curse is uncertainty of our future. We have been redeemed from that.

How have we been redeemed? We have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus from this world’s way of living. Jesus Christ gave Himself up for us, on our behalf, to purchase our freedom from satan’s plan for our lives. His blood washed away satan’s strategies, purposes, plans, schemes, tactics and maneuvers from our lives. Psalm 91 tells us that we will stand and see people fall on both sides of us but we will still be standing firmly. Now is the time that we put action to what we believe. God’s Word is true for us, regardless of the diagnosis, whether it is a doctor’s diagnosis or a government’s diagnosis.

Jesus has paid the ultimate price with His life for us to be free to live a life that is good and filled with benefits. In God’s Word we read that He daily loads us with benefits. The world’s benefits seem to be fading away; they are only temporary. But God’s benefits are eternal, forever.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Redeemed From the Curse of the Law

Galatians 3:13,14
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:
That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Christ is not Jesus’ last name. It is the Greek word for Anointed One. The Anointed One (God Almighty in the person of Jesus, with the anointing of His Holy Spirit, through the Father) has redeemed you and me. What does it mean to be redeemed? When someone is redeemed, they are bought back from captivity or bondage. An individual is holding them as hostage and demanding a ransom for their freedom. Satan was holding every human being hostage to his sin and death. Jesus came with a ransom price for our freedom----His precious blood. He paid the full price to set us free. Now satan has no legal right to hold us hostage because we have been redeemed, set free.

The Anointed One has set us free from the curse of the law. The curse of the law and the blessings are set forth in Deuteronomy 28. We can read what the curse is in that chapter. The curse is sin and its consequences such as sickness and disease and poverty. We see the blessings in the first verses of Deuteronomy 28. We are blessed everywhere we go. God commands the blessing on us and our storehouse. Our enemies flee before us. Our children are blessed.

The word “blessed” holds so many meanings. It basically and simply means God’s fullness of Himself poured out on us----all that He is and all that He has. That is it “in a nutshell” as my grandmother used to say of something which was all inclusive.

We are blessed. We have access to all that God has for us, through faith. Faith, that word that so many people have trouble with. Once again, the simple definition of faith is: having confidence in God, trusting Him.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Life Flow

There is a river of life flowing through each one of us as God’s children. That life is flowing all the time, 24/7. It is the life of God which was released by Jesus when His blood flowed out of His body on to the ground of this earth. That blood flowing so freely released a stream of life straight from the throne of God. It is the river of life that flows in heaven. It came to earth when Jesus came. He released it when He died and rose again.

When Jesus carried His blood to the Mercy Seat of Heaven and placed His blood there, He released all of us from sin and its consequences. He was THE sacrificial lamb Who took away the sins of the world forever. He paralyzed satan who had the power of death; He conquered death; He conquered the principalities and powers of hell; He took all our sicknesses and diseases.

Forever we are free because of what Jesus did. Forever we can flow in the river of the life of God right now, right here on this earth. It is available for us. All we have to do is learn how to receive God’s life flow. That life flow is ours. Our mouth is the access to it. As we speak life, which is contained in God’s Word, revelation comes of Who Jesus really is and what He really did.

Jesus told us when He was here on this earth: I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly. In this statement He was telling us that He Who was life had brought His life with Him and was releasing it for us. In Leviticus we read that the life is in the blood. Jesus’ blood was the carrier of the life of God, not the life of man. When He was placed in Mary’s womb, the seed of life came from His Heavenly Father, not an earthly father.

Now, we as God’s children are the carriers of life; His life is to flow out of us all the time. His zoe life is in our bodies; it is in our spirits; it is in our souls. Hallelujah! We are carriers of the river of life. His life is flowing through us right now! Glory! What a privilege. God’s life is flowing in you! Accept and receive the fullness of that life----health, healing, strength, joy, prosperity of every kind, financial security, love, peace. It goes on and on. God’s life is the essence of Him, His entire nature. My prayer for you today is that you will receive a revelation of this truth as you never have before.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

God Is Peace

In 1 Thessalonians 5:23 we read that the God of peace Himself takes care of us. We have learned that the word “peace” means wholeness and soundness and brokenness healed. Peace is not just the absence of strife. It is so much bigger than that. It is God Himself making us complete in Him Who is the head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:10). That word “complete” means: filled, full, finished, having no deficiency or lack, something put in to fill up.

Jesus was put in us by the power of the Holy Spirit to fill us up with all the good things from heaven that are found in Him. We are filled up with Jesus. Therefore, we are filled up with health; we are filled up with wealth; we are filled up with love and joy and peace and all the fruit of the spirit; we are filled up with all that heaven has to offer. That makes us whole and sound and unbroken. Jesus was broken that we might be whole.

And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God], and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) (1 Thessalonians 5:23, Amplified Bible)..


Jesus Never Fails

Jesus never fails us. He is always there, always providing, always watching over us. I can hear some of your wheels turning right now. Well, what about this? Well, what about that?

As I have spent years and years with the Lord, I have learned and am still learning this one thing. JESUS NEVER FAILS! It may look to you like He has failed you, but there is some reason things did not work the way you thought they should.

God’s Word is true. If His Word states it, then that is the way it is. Unfortunately, there are many variables at work in this world to hinder God’s will being done in our lives. Ignorance of the way God works, disappointments of the past, fear that He won’t “come through” for you, doubt and unbelief influencing you, etc. etc. etc.

I always get the question: Well, why can’t God just do it! He has already done it; He has already won the battle for us and given us the spoils of victory. It is up to us to learn how to RECEIVE those spoils. Of course, we have an enemy satan who tries to keep us from our blessing. It is his job to delay, distract, disappoint and destroy.

What is the solution to all this perception of Jesus failing us? Are you ready for the answer? It is simple. Trust Him and leave the questions behind. Stop trying to figure everything out.

Hebrews 13:5b, Amplified Bible
…for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Love Day!

Today is Valentine’s Day and I want to wish everyone who reads our Pearls to have a Happy Love Day in Jesus.

We are going to personalize portions of Psalm 89 today.

Psalm 89:17,24,26,28,33,34

God, You are the glory of my strength and in Your favor my horn shall be exalted.

Your faithfulness and unfailing love (loving-kindness) shall be with me and in Your name shall my horn be exalted (great power and prosperity shall be conferred upon me.)

I shall cry to You, You are my Father, You are my God, You are the Rock of my salvation.

Your mercy and loving-kindness will You keep for me forevermore and Your covenant shall stand fast and be faithful to me.

Nevertheless, Your loving-kindness will You not break off from me, nor allow Your faithfulness to fail (to lie and be false to me).

Your covenant will You not break or profane, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Consider Not

When God told Abraham that Sarah his wife would conceive and bear a son to him, there was no way possible in the natural realm that it would happen. Abraham and Sarah were past the age of her conceiving or his ability to bring forth seed for conception. And even more realistic in the natural realm was that Sarah had been barren, even in her years of possible conception. Yet God had spoken to Abraham. Let’s look at this passage in the Bible in Romans.

Romans 4:16-21
Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all.
(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.
And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb:
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform

Human reason for hope for a child was gone, yet God had spoken. He said that Abraham and Sarah would have a child. They had a choice. They could either believe what they saw in the natural or they could believe what God said. In order to have that kind of faith, they had to consider not the natural circumstances, even when the natural circumstances were screaming: It’s impossible!

That is where you and I are today. All around us, circumstances are screaming: You can’t make it. Look at the mess the world is in. What about high costs? What about my family? What about, what about, what about. Well, what about God and His Word to us? We will CONSIDER NOT the circumstances. But WE WILL CONSIDER OUR GOD! What does His Word say about your circumstance? Believe Him and not your circumstance.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love Is Calling

It is the love of Christ that is calling you, to baptize you in the heart love of God. Your response to that love call sets you apart unto Him. You are His. He is yours. You are in Him. He is in you. We are talking about an intimate relationship here. We are one with each other. We are intertwined in each other’s lives. No more of you. All of Him. You have taken His name. You are a Christ-ian, a little anointed one.

Can you hear Him calling? He is calling you to higher places in Himself. He is calling you to a life full of His goodness and mercy. He is calling you to a life of health and wholeness. He is calling you to a life of prosperity. He is calling you to His fullness of zoe life, His life, His nature, His ability, His knowledge, His wisdom, His riches in glory. What a life we have laid out before us in Him.

This response to His calling of love turns us into a love child of God. His love then constrains us as we read in 2 Corinthians 5:14: For the love of Christ constrains us…. The Wuest translation says: The love which Christ has for me presses on me from all sides, wraps itself around me in tenderness. The Philips translation says: The very spring of our actions is the love of Christ. The Moffatt’s translation says: I am controlled by the love of Christ.

What does this word constrain mean? When something or someone constrains you, they control you and urge you on to do that which they are urging you to do. The Webster’s 1828 Dictionary lists the definition of constrain in 2 Corinthians 5:14 as the love which urges with irresistible power, or with a power sufficient to produce the effect.

The love of God, Love Himself, is calling you to, is wrapping Himself around you in tenderness, is pressing you from all sides, is controlling you so that the very springboard of all your actions is the love of Christ. Yes, we receive that love power which is sufficient to produce God's results for ourselves and others.

Love Himself is calling you!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


I have been dwelling in the Psalms and Proverbs a lot lately. What a multitude of good advice, wisdom and direction is to be found in these books. One of the verses I especially like is:

Psalm 85:13
Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set us in the way of his steps.
Amplified Bible: Righteousness shall go before Him and shall make His footsteps a way in which to walk.

Jesus Christ has made us righteous so that we can fellowship with Him and our Heavenly Father and have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and our Father and Jesus. I was thinking last night about what Jesus has done for us. What a love God must have for us! He laid down His life so that we could once again be part of Him, be able to come into His Presence without any possibility of being destroyed by His power. What a privilege! What an honor!

We have been made righteous, right with the Almighty God, which gives us the right to be in the throne room and call Him Papa. Righteousness makes us totally new people, new creations as the Bible calls us. We are different people than we were before we accepted Jesus as our Savior, before we accepted all that He has done for us. He went before us and made the way. All we have to do is walk in the way of His righteous footsteps. Righteousness preceded Him. We follow Him. We can’t go wrong when we are walking in the print or pattern that His footsteps have left.

Once again, in this life we can walk in Jesus’ footsteps. He has set us in place. What we have to do is choose to walk in those footsteps. You know, we can choose a different direction. How many people do you know who have walked in the wrong direction? But we choose the right direction, the one that righteousness Himself has placed us in.

We walk in the righteous footsteps of Jesus!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

The Comforter

In John 14:26 and John 16:7 Jesus tells us that when He goes away the Holy Spirit will come. He is called the paraclete or parakletos in the Greek language.

I find it very interesting that the Amplified Bible in these passages in the book of John lists the many facets of the Holy Spirit’s personality for us as God’s children. Let’s look at them.

He is called:

I believe these descriptions of His care for us are in the order of the way we should know Him. They may all be happening at the same time or they may happen over a period of time. He comes to comfort and console us and encourage us. Then we open up to His counsel which helps us. He helps us in our life’s situations. He is our legal advisor when satan comes to condemn us, and the Holy Spirit makes a way for us as our intercessor, going before us to our Father. It is then we see that He is the One Who strengthens us and stands by us.

What a joy to have the Holy Spirit as our constant companion and friend. He is in us to be our guide. He is our continual presence of God on this earth. He so desires to be an intimate part of our lives. We are to be one with Him and Jesus and the Father. They desire our presence as much as we desire theirs. They enjoy being with us and talking with us. We are family!

I will conclude this Pearl with the description of the parakletos from the Hebrew Greek Bible.
Called hither, toward, or to speak to, to speak cheerfully, encourage. He who has been called to help, a helpter. Used in Greek writers of a legal advisor, pleader, proxy or advocate, one who comes forward on behalf of and as the representative of another. Christ designates the Holy Spirit as Paraclete and calls him allos (another) which means another of equal quality. He undertakes Christ’s office in the world while Christ is away from the world.

How blessed we are to know the Holy Spirit! If you don’t know Him today, all you have to do is to ask Him to make Himself known to you, to make Himself real. That is a request He loves to answer.

Sweet Holy Spirit, I honor you and desire Your Presence in my life all the time!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Be Happy!

Would you like to know the secret to good health? The Bible has the answer. You knew I was going to say that, didn’t you.

Listen to this from the Amplified Bible.

Proverbs 17:22
A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. The New Living Translation says that a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.

Look at this:
A happy heart is good medicine.
I like this kind of medicine. It doesn’t taste bad and there are no harmful side effects.

A cheerful mind works healing.

What is it that would make our hearts happy and our minds cheerful? It is the mindset that regardless of what we are facing or how something looks, we know from God’s Word that He will take care of it for us. We may not FEEL happy and we may not FEEL cheerful, but we decide by an act of our will that we will be happy and we will be cheerful.

Do you know that doctors are now confirming that patients who have a positive outlook on life are much more likely to recover and to recover quickly from illnesses. But if people decide that they are sick and nothing can help them, they get worse and in many cases die. It is remarkable how God has designed us and our human minds to determine our way of life. When our minds are in agreement with our spirits which are one with the Spirit of God because we are born again, we have a winning way of life, a life of health.

The more that you and I put the Word of God in our mouths, keep it before our eyes and hear it with our ears, the healthier we will be and the younger we will get. Proverbs 4 tells us that God’s Word is health to all our flesh. Some translations say medicine to all our flesh.

In Proverbs 15:15 in the Amplified Bible we see that anxious thoughts and forebodings cause our days to be days of despondency and affliction but that he who has a glad heart has a continual feast regardless of the circumstances.

You want divine health. Make a decision today that you will think happy thoughts and be a happy person and that you will be a cheerful, positive person. I am making that decision.


Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The Strength of the Lord

I believe the Lord is impressing me to send you scriptures on strength today.

Luke 21:26
Keep awake then and watch at all times [be discreet, attentive and ready]
Pray always
that you have the FULL STRENGTH and ability and be accounted worthy
to escape all these things [taken together] that will take place,
and stand in the presence of the Son of man.

Psalm 84:7
They go from STRENGTH to STRENGTH [increasing in victorious power]….

Psalm 29:11
The Lord will give STRENGTH to His people. The Lord will bless His people with peace.

Psalm 71:16
I will go in the STRENGTH of the Lord God….
Amplified Bible
I will come in the STRENGTH and with the mighty acts of the Lord God….

Psalm 28:8, Amplified Bible
The Lord is my STRENGTH and He is the stronghold of salvation to me, His anointed.

Ephesians 6:10, Amplified Bible
Be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your STRENGTH from Him [that STRENGTH which His boundless might provides].

Philippians 2:13, Amplified Bible
[Not in your own STRENGTH] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight.

Philippians 4:13, Amplified Bible
I have STRENGTH for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner STRENGTH into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].

2 Corinthians 13:11, Amplified Bible
… be STRENGTHENED (perfected, completed, made what you ought to be); be encouraged and consoled and comforted; be of the same [agreeable] mind one with another; live in peace, and [then] the God of love [Who is the Source of affection, goodwill, love, and benevolence toward me] and the Author and Promoter of peace will be with you.

Shalom! Be Strong in the Lord!