The Holy Spirit, through the Apostle John in 3 John 2, had this to say to us as God’s dear children. It is such a familiar scripture I believe we have not truly had a revelation of it. Let’s look at this scripture verse today.
Let’s start with that first word----BELOVED. You are loved by the Lord. I am going to make a statement that will probably shock some of you. His very life is tied up in you. He lives for you and your happiness and well being. He delights in your success. It gives Him great pleasure for you to be the healthiest, richest, most prosperous person on the face of the earth. You are His whole focus of attention.
It is His DESIRE that you PROSPER and BE IN HEALTH. His greatest desire is to see you prosperous.
To PROSPER means to excel, to achieve the highest excellence. Does that mean money, as so many people have narrowly defined it? No, it means your entire life. You are to excel in health. You are to excel in relationships. You are to excel in love and joy and peace and all the fruit of the spirit. You are to excel in walking in the fullness of His provisions. And, yes, you are to excel in wealth. Every one of God’s children were born again to excel. Excellence is our byword.
BE IN HEALTH---sometimes for some people that seems to be so unreachable because everywhere you and I turn, we hear that there is this sickness out there and that infirmity and this possibility of catching something deadly. What you hear and focus on is what you become. We are bombarded on TV, even on the commercials now----drug companies are spending big bucks to capture your attention with their commercials because there is big business in drugs. We live in a society which is sickness conscious. Our society, the Kingdom of God, is health conscious. The only way to maintain that health is given us in the last part of that verse.
AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS----your soul consists of your thinking ability (your reasoning), your ability to make decisions and your reaction to stimuli. In other words, your soul is your mind, your will and your emotions. How do we get them to excel? What we focus on determines how they operate? Our focus is to be on God. How do we do that? His Word! His Word is the expression of Himself. As we dwell in His Word, we are dwelling in Him, in His Presence, and we become like Him. Look upon Him and be whole today. Delight yourself in Him; enjoy His Presence.