The Holy Spirit - The Power of God
What does have power over me? Jesus Christ, righteousness, life, health, healing, love, joy, peace, goodness, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, temperance, patience, abundance, victory, success, prosperity, belief, faith---these are the things that have power over me now. You might say, well, it sure doesn’t look like they have power over me. Who said anything about how it looks? That is what the Word of God says. And the Word of God is what we govern our lives by. Right! Continue to confess that this is what has power over you, even in the face of totally contradictory circumstances. That is the time when you and I need to be confessing the Truth of God’s Word and not what the circumstances look like.
Satan likes nothing better than to hear us speaking and agreeing with the situations that he has put out his best efforts to bring about in this natural world. But remember that we are not of this world, but of the world of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are simply on assignment here as ambassadors to carry out what we have been called to do. And during the time of our “stay” here on this earth, we have a headquarters and a commander in Heaven Who is directing our footsteps if we will let Him.
What most of us have failed to realize is that we can have “days of Heaven” here on this earth if we will heed the instructions of the Word of God that He has given to us for our time here. Heaven can begin here now for you and me, even in the midst of this earth’s sin and its consequences. That is the Good News of the Bible. And that is the Good News that we are to be telling to others. But they will not believe us if we are not living any better than they are.
As my grandmother used to say: The proof of the pudding is in the eating. In other words, don’t tell me how good your pudding is. Let me taste it and see if you are telling the truth. The same is true of what we as Christians tell others. They look at our lives as examples of what we tell them. And if we are having the same struggles as they are when troubles come, then they say that we are no better off than they are. So why should they serve a God who is not doing anything for you?
The Word of God tells us that we are to be of good cheer for Jesus has overcome the world for us. That means that He has overcome anything that can come against you. In the book of James, we are told to count it all joy when things come to tempt us. Why? Because we have already won the victory before the trial even comes. And why is that? Because Jesus has paid the price for our victory against satan and all the demons and any assignment or works that they would put against us to pressure us into caving in and giving up.
The Holy Spirit, Who is the Life of God, lives in us, constantly, continually (if we allow) restoring life to our situations. We take the Word of God and create a sanctuary in which the Holy Spirit can dwell and actively release His life in all areas of our lives----a continual flow of life, if we allow it and make a place for Him and His life to operate. Say this with me: “Holy Spirit, I make a sanctuary for You in my life, a place for you to dwell and release Your power in me, for me, and from me for others. Lord, I make a quality decision to dwell in Your Word and to make Your Word final authority in my life. Be the Director and Conductor of my life today. I yield myself to You that I will say only what You tell me to say and do only what You tell me to do.”
If we allow Him, there’s a constant, 24-7 flow of God’s life in you and me, continually fixing, restoring, keeping us tuned up, keeping us in line with the laws of His Kingdom.
We don’t need anything to interrupt God’s life flow----worry, unforgiveness, strife, care, anxiety, offense, doubt, unbelief, fear, lust, etc. These are all death things sent to clog our spiritual arteries. We need free flow of life. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all these impurities (anything that does not pertain to life) 24-7 if we allow. We are especially living in the times when we need a continual cleansing of the life flow of the Blood of Jesus. As He reveals a potential clog, let Him remove the plaque so that it does not become a buildup in our spiritual arteries. This type of daily cleansing prevents major spiritual heart surgery at a later time in life.
As we remember Mark 11:22-25, we see that the key to victory, the key to living with prayers answered, the key to living a life of abundance here on this earth is walking in love and forgiveness. Let’s purpose to do that today and every day of our life here on this earth. Yes, it is possible. There are those who have done it before us. And Jesus is our ultimate example.