Psalm 91 Study, Part 8
That secret place is represented by feathers and wings. Have you ever seen a mother chicken gather her little ones under her when danger approaches. She clucks and they all come running and slide under her. It is a interesting sight to watch. My grandmother raised chickens so I have had plenty of opportunity to observe that. It was always so much fun to watch them run to their mother. And they knew which one was their mother. Her clucking was different than that of another mother.
God speaks to us and tells us to come and hide out in Him, abide in Him, dwell in Him. His voice is like no other and we know His voice and the voice of a stranger we do not follow.
God’s Truth is His Word. And He is always faithful to us and He is faithful to His Word. We can depend on the Truth of God always. He never changes. He is always the same. He is true to His Word. He is a faithful God.
1 Corinthians 1:9 in the Amplified Bible reads: God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on; by him you were called into companionship and participation with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Thessalonians 5:24 tells us that God is faithful Who is calling us to Himself and utterly trustworthy. In 2 Thessalonians 3:3 we read that the Lord is faithful, who will strengthen and establish us, set us on a firm foundation and guard us, keep us from evil, the evil one.
God is faithful to His children to protect them and take care of them. He is a shield to us and a buckler. He has us covered from every side, not only on the sides and in front but behind us and over us. Between the shield and the buckler, we are totally covered. Our armor which is described in Ephesians 6 is complete. We need to put it on every day for our protection.
Let’s move on to verse 5 of Psalm 91. We shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow, representative of the evil plots and schemes of the wicked that fly by day.
Terrorism is the big word today. It is the buzz word on all the media, in every country, stamped on every person’s mind. The devil is the ultimate terrorist and is behind all terrorism. He wants to strike fear in people’s hearts. But he can’t strike fear in the heart of one who loves the Lord because God’s perfect love casts out, expels fear. Fear is of the devil. His ultimate weapon is fear. He is fear himself. BUT GOD------- God is the author of faith. Jesus is called the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is a faith God. We put our confidence in Him and fear must leave. Terror has no hold over the Christian who knows who his God is and that he is in God and God is in Him.
Go through the Bible and write down all the scriptures that tell you who you are in God and who God is in you. It will boost your faith up about umpteen notches. There is no power greater than God’s power, none. And He is dwelling in you if you are born again, if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior. Greater is He Who is in you than he that is in the world.
We must dwell on the fact that God is the greatest power in the universe. He created this universse and He upholds it by the Word of His power. He is mightier than anything in this world. Nothing has a hold on you when you are in the protective place with the Lord. He will protect and sustain you in any situation. He is the Greater One.
The next 3 verses go with verse 5. We shall not be afraid of the pestilence (See yesterday’s Pearls for the definition of pestilence.) that stalks in darkness nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, but it shall not come near us. We will only be a spectator inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High as we witness the reward of the wicked. I like being in that secret place. How about you?
We are protected. God has got us covered---under his feathers and wings. He is our shelter and protector.