God Is Light
In Genesis 1:3, God literally said: Light in Me, be. And darkness was dispelled.
Then Adam and Eve sinned and darkness and the prince of darkness, satan, took the authority they gave him, which was theirs originally to rule and reign as children of God on this earth in the Garden of Eden. He is darkness and everything he represents is darkness---sin, sickness and disease, poverty, lack, want, doubt and unbelief, fear, etc. I am told that on an MRI or x-ray, disease shows up as dark spots. I find that very interesting. Also, those who are in sin prefer darkness to a lighted room, prefer wearing dark clothing to wearing light clothing.
In 2 Corinthians 4:6 we see that God did indeed command the light to shine out of darkness and He has shined in our hearts to give the understanding of the knowledge of His glory in the person of Jesus Christ.
In Exodus 14:20 the Lord was a pillar of light by night for the Israelites. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.
In Psalm 27:1 we read that the Lord is our light and our salvation. And remember that word salvation means more than being born again. It means deliverance, health, safety, welfare, well-being, prosperity. The Lord is the Light that shines on the way of salvation and brings us into His land of peace and beauty, righteousness and joy.
In Psalm 37 3-6 and Psalm 97:11 and Proverbs 4:18 we see that light is sown for the righteous (those who are right with God through the shed blood of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit) along their pathway and that their path is like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until it reaches its full strength. We also see that the Lord shall bring forth righteousness as the light for those who trust in Him and do good, for those who delight themselves in Him and those who commit their way unto Him. Looks to me like trust is the key to all that we receive from Him. What do you think? And how do you and I develop trust? We trust someone whom we know very well; we know their ways. We know how they think and how they operate. In order to do that, we must spend time with them, listening to what they have to say and investing some thought into understanding their ways. We do that with the Lord by spending quiet times with Him, quietly praying or loudly praising and speaking and reading and meditating and confessing His Word.
In Psalm 119:105 and 130 God’s Word is called a lamp and a light. The entrance of His Word brings light. For our light to burn brighter and brighter, we take in more Word fuel. It is the energy force that causes us to shine with the fullness of God’s glory.
When Jesus came, He referred to Himself as the light of the world. In Matthew 4:16 and Luke 2:32, we are told that the people who sat enveloped in darkness all the time and in the shadow of death, saw a great Light and the Light dawned for them. The Light was for revelation, to disclose what had not been known before. These passages are referring to Jesus. In 1 John 1:5 it is stated that God is Light. In John 1:1-9 and John 8:12, 9:5 and 12:46 Jesus is called and calls Himself the light that shined in the darkness, the true Light which lights the way for man in the darkness of the world. His Life is the Light of men. In His eternal life, zoe, is all the power we will need to be lights in a dark world. As the things in the world look darker and darker, we will stand out like beacon lights, shining lighter and lighter as we take on more and more of His character and ways.
And now, for the icing on the cake, put on your seatbelts for a wonderful ride. Jesus called us the light of the world. How is that possible? He, the Light, is in us and makes us light. Isn’t that wonderful! Listen to these scriptures. Colossians 1:13: The Father has delivered us to Himself from the control and authority and dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. And His Kingdom is a Kingdom of Light. In Ephesians 5:14 we are told that we are to awake from sleep and arise from the dead (the deadness of our spirit without the Lord, stumbling in the darkness of no knowledge of Him and His love and goodness to set us free) and Christ shall shine upon us and give us light. In Jesus’ own teaching in Matthew 5:14,16, He calls us the light of the world and that we are to let our light shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.
In Ephesians 5:8 Paul tells us that once we were darkness but now we are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light, lead our lives in accordance with His leading and direction. Trust Him and continually say that you are led by the Spirit of God and that you hear His voice and the voice of a stranger you do not follow.
In Romans 13:12 we are told to put on the armor of light. Well, what is the armor? Go back to Ephesians 6:10-18 to find out what the armor is. Actually, that armor all points to Jesus and trusting in Him. The Light of the Lord shines through us in the form of the fruit of the spirit and the armor is our protection against the wiles of the enemy.
In 1 John 1:7 we are told to walk in the light as He is in the light. It is all summed up in one statement if you search all the scriptures. God is Love. God is Light. God gives us His Life. As we walk more and more in His love, we shine brighter and brighter to dispel the darkness that is all around us in this world. And remember that His love is not an emotional high; His love is a decision we make to honor and love someone regardless of how they are treating us. And we can only do it through Him and yielding to His goodness and compassion. It is a moment-by-moment decision, 24-7. But oh, the benefits are out of this world; yes, even while we are in this world.
Believe it and receive it.
Scripture references taken from the King James Version and the Amplified Bible.