Kings and Priests, Part 2
Let’s look at our foundation scripture once again in the Amplified Bible.
Rev. 1:5,6
And from Jesus Christ the faithful and trustworthy Witness, the Firstborn of the dead [first to be brought back to life] and the Prince (Ruler) of the kings of the earth. To Him Who ever loves us and has once [for all] loosed and freed us from our sins by His own blood,
6 And formed us into a kingdom (a royal race), priests to His God and Father—to Him be the glory and the power and the majesty and the dominion throughout the ages and forever and ever. Amen (so be it).
We not only have been made kings (as we studied yesterday) but we also have been made priests to God our Father.
What does a priest do? A priest has an intimate relationship with God. He is able to stand in God’s presence and worship Him, praise Him. He offers up to God that which is pleasing to Him. In the Old Testament, it was a system of animal sacrifices. In the New Testament, it is a sacrifice of praise, an offering of praise with our lips. We must see here that sacrifice is another word for offering, not a word for something hard to do. Our English vocabulary has translated the word sacrifice into that which is something difficult that we do, regardless of how we feel. Sacrifice in God’s realm has to do with that which we offer to Him; it’s an offering. Our praise is our offering to Him at all times.
1 Peter 2:5 Amplified Bible
[Come] and, like living stones, be yourselves built [into] a spiritual house, for a holy (dedicated, consecrated) priesthood, to offer up [those] spiritual sacrifices [that are] acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.
Since the veil has been torn in two when Jesus died on the cross and since Jesus’ blood is on the eternal Mercy Seat of God in heaven, we as God’s children have the unlimited access to God’s presence. We can come in and go as many times as we want and always have an open ear from God. Of course, we come with respect and reverence and with clean hands before Him, washed in the blood of Jesus and cleansed of all unrighteousness by His blood.
The priest made offerings to God and came into the Lord’s presence. We also make offerings of thanksgiving and praise and worship with our lips and with our mouths filled with praises of Him Who has made us, Who has purchased us, Who has set us free, Who has given us the right to adore and love Him forever.
We have the right to an intimate relationship with God because there is no longer a wall of partition between us. There is nothing between us but love. We are in union with God and Jesus is our High Priest Who sits at the right hand of God ever making intercession for us (and He has to do that when we miss the mark and get off the track on which He has put us).
Have you stopped to consider recently that you have been given the privilege to enter into the Presence of Almighty God and minister to Him? Have you pondered how He sits, waiting for your coming to enjoy Him? What an awesome honor we have bestowed upon us! We have access to the Great God Who created everything, including us, any time we want. He is never busy. He doesn’t have an answering machine that says: Your call is important to us. All our lines are tied up right now, but we’ll get to you as soon as we can. Please stay on the line. Someone will be with you shortly. When you cry out, He says: Yes, my child, what can I do for you? When you come to Him, He says: Welcome, I’ve been waiting for you. Let’s talk.
A priest is one who is set apart and designated to stand and worship or adore God. That’s you and me.