I love Psalm 139. In the New Living Translation, I find such wonderful thoughts to ponder regarding my life.
Oh, Lord, You have examined my heart and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or when I stand up.
You know my every thought when far away.
You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest.
Every moment you know where I am.
You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.
You both precede and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to know.
Isn’t that the most comforting thought you have ever had? God knows everything about you. There is not one thing He doesn’t know, from the beginning of your life until the end. He knows all about you, things even you don’t know yet. So rest in His loving care.
He knows you so well that He knows even the tiny thing of when you sit and when you stand throughout every day of the rest of your life. How many times a day do you sit or stand? If you are like me, they are too numerous to count. Every time you sit down and every time you stand up, He already has them numbered in His book, in His heart, in His mind.
He knows every thought you will ever think. He knows all of that ahead of time.
He even has a map of the course of your life which He has planned very carefully, telling you when to rest and when to continue on the path. Every moment of your life, He knows where you are. He knows when you will deviate from that wonderfully planned course. He knows when you will take an unplanned detour because you are not listening to Him. And yet He patiently waits for you to get back on course. What a God we serve! What a God! I stand in awe of Him!
Here’s one for the books. He knows everything you are going to say before you say it. Sometimes I wish I knew when I was going to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. And He loves you so much, He will not interfere with your speech. He gives you freedom of speech, even when those things come out of your mouth that will stop His work in your life. What we must realize here is that what we say must always line up with His Word for Him to work in our lives. Cursing is not just taking the Lord’s name in vain. Cursing is speaking those things which block God’s blessing in our lives. Cursing is the negative speaking we speak in fear or unbelief. It blocks God’s best for us. We don’t mean to say it, but we do sometimes. He is so loving that He waits until we see it and repent and go on the right path again.
He goes before us and follows us wherever the soles of our feet tread. He goes before us and follows us in the spirit realm as well. He is always there.
And the most wonderful thing of all----HE PLACES HIS HAND OF BLESSING ON OUR HEADS. Think about that----the great God Who created the universe and keeps it running in place and Who created us and all that is in this earth, places His hand on our heads and pronounces His blessing on us. His blessing includes all things that pertain to life and godliness, everything good, all that will ever contribute to our welfare and happiness. The hand of Almighty God, which is the Hand of Blessing, is on our heads.
No wonder the psalmist said this: Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. Such knowledge is too great for me to know. What a mighty God! What a wonderful Father! Oh, God, I stand in awe of You, my Savior and my Redeemer, my soon-coming King! Let’s worship Him!