Healing Word Seeds From Your Bible Packet of Seeds
Psalm 107:20 KJV
He sent His Word and healed me and delivered me from destruction.
Isaiah 53:4,5 KJV and Amplified Bible
Thank You, Jesus, that you bore my sicknesses, diseases, distresses, weaknesses and carried my sorrows, pains. You were wounded for my transgressions. You were bruised for my guilt and iniquities. The chastisement of my peace was upon You and with those stripes that wounded You, I have been healed and I have been made whole.
Romans 8:11 and 1 Corinthians 6:19,20 KJV
Holy Spirit, You dwell in me. My body is Your temple, Holy Spirit. You are the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. Thank You, Holy Spirit, that You quicken, give life to my mortal body. I will glorify You, God, in my body and in my spirit, which are Yours.
Psalm 103:1-5 KJV
I bless You, Lord. My soul blesses You. All that is within me blesses You. I bless Your holy name. I remember all Your benefits. You forgive all my iniquities. You heal all my diseases. You redeem my life from destruction. You crown me with loving-kindness and tender mercies. You satisfy my mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s, strong and power and soaring like the eagle’s.
Psalm 23:1 KJV
Lord, You are my Shepherd. I do not want for any thing. Health and healing is mine because I do not want for any thing.
3 John 2 KJV
Lord, I am Your beloved. I prosper and I am in health even as my soul prospers.
Psalm 107:2, Galatians 3:13,14 KJV
I am the redeemed of the Lord and I say so. I have been redeemed from the curse of the law that the Blessing of Abraham might come on me. I have been redeemed from sickness and disease so that the Blessing of healing and health might be mine. Thank You, Jesus, for redeeming me, rescuing me, delivering me from sickness and disease.
Romans 8:2 KJV
The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free, set me free from the law of sin and death. Sickness and disease is under the law of sin and death. I have been set free from the law of sin and death through Christ Jesus. I am under the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, where there is healing and health.
Healing and health are mine today because I am a child of God. I have all the benefits of the Kingdom of God and life and health is one of those benefits.
Ephesians 6:10 Amplified Bible
I am strong in You, Lord. I am empowered through my union with You. I draw my strength from You, that strength which Your boundless might provides. I put on the whole armor of God and I stand in the victory that Jesus Christ has purchased for me.
Psalm 91:16 KJV With long life will You satisfy me, Lord, and You will show me Your salvation in every area of my life.